chapter 15

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ok so um i just realised that all this time, i didn't even press publish apparently, so I've been sitting here for like 3 days thinking that i published a chapter but i actually didn't, so oops? Sorry guys. N e wayz enjoy


Reva exited the car, carrying her stuff and walked over to Ebun's door. She rang the bell and seconds later, Ebun opened the door, grinning, however that grin slowly dissapeared when she saw the look on Reva's face.

"Ayo bestieeee, how.... Reva? Are you okay?"

"Can we talk upstairs?"

Moving slightly aside, Ebun nodded and let Reva enter the house. She locked the door and then went with Ebun upstairs to her room. Once they were inside, the two of them took a seat upon the bed. They stayed in silence for a few moments, appreciating each other's company until Reva started to speak.

"Ok so...first of all, I have something to tell you, but you can't tell anyone, okay?"

Ebun nodded.

"Of course."

"Not even Mattia?"

Ebun shook her head.

"Not even Mattia."

"Ok so, since about, 8th grade......I have a crush on Alejandro."

Ebun's facial expression didn't change at all. Not one bit.

"Uhhh, and I'm dating Mattia."

Reva lifted an eyebrow.

"Huh?" she questioned.

"I thought we were telling each other painfully obvious things."

"Wha- obvious! You know?!" Reva exclaimed.

Ebun chuckled.

"Yeah, and like the whole entire world. You're not that subtle y'know."

Reva rolled her eyes and grinned.

"Thank god that's off my chest now- wait hold on a fucking second. Does that mean he knows too?!"

Ebun tilted her head to the side.

"Who knows?"

"Alejandro, you dumbass."

Ebun smirked, shaking her head.

"No, for some stupid ass reason, Alejandro is completely oblivious to you simping over him."

Reva smacked Ebun on her arm.

"Hey!" she protested. "I'm not simping over him! It's just a little crush, that's all!"

"Yeah, sure it is," Ebun smirked, rolling her eyes. "Now," she continued. "I'm sure that's not all you wanted to tell me, was it?"

Reva shook her head.

"Well go on. Say what you need to say."

Reva looked to the ceiling for a few seconds, thinking.

" that I think about's kinda petty...."

"Who fucking cares if it's petty? I just wanna know what's going on, you can't keep bottling up everything all the time, you know that right?

"I know, I know."

They sat in silence for a few seconds, so this allowed Reva some time to think.

"Ok....where do I start..."

"From the beginning."

Reva gave Ebun the look.

"Fuck you."

"Uh no thanks, that's Mattia's job."

The two of them chuckled at the joke but the laughter eventually died down as Reva began to tell Ebun what happened.

"Ok, so me and Ale were sitting on his bed on our phones."


"But then Ale showed me a picture of this girl. Do you know Katie Pego?"

"I guess, seen her around TikTok."

Reva nodded.

"Well he showed me a picture of her on her Instagram and asked me if she was pretty."

Ebun scoffed.

"Of course he did."

"So then i said 'i guess she's alright' but then he was all like 'uh what the fuck are you talking about, she's smoking hot and I would love to tap that!"

Ebun narrowed her eyes at Reva.

"He definitely didn't say that."

Reva rolled her eyes.

"Well it was like that- anyways that's not the point! He liked the post and then commented 'wow' on it."

"How do you know that?"

"I saw him do it."

Ebun smirked.

"Were you watching him?"

Reva's face flared up in embarrassment.

"I wasn't watching him! He was right next to me, I would've seen anyway!"

"Sureeee. But seriously though, I don't understand the problem? Like I know you like him and everything, but pretty much every guy thinks at least one girl is hot, right? He just thinks she's pretty, it's not like he'sgoing to date her or anyt"

"Yeah, but then he said that he's going to dm her later and when he 'breaks up' with me, he's gonna try to get with her, as if I was useless."

Ebun eyes softened.

"Woah, I'm so sorry Reva. I don't think he's taking how you feel into consideration."

"But that's the thing! He can't do that because he doesn't know that I like him!"

They were silent.

"Shit," Ebun muttered. "And I'm guessing you don't want to tell him?"

"Fuck no."

"No, Reva, you seriously should tell him. Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"Ebun, come on. He doesn't look at me in any way."

Ebun sighed in frustration.

"The two of you are so damn blind! I swear to god when you guys get together in the near future, I'm gonna say 'I told you so'."

Reva rolled her eyes.

"Yeah sure, like that's ever gonna happen."

The two of them didn't say much afterwards, deciding to leave all of the emotions for later and just casually chat about the normal stuff.

"Wanna watch some Netflix?" Ebun suggested.



Rxva19 I'm still salty about you watching To All The Boys 2 without me so i guess fictional us can watch it together 😛

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