chapter 22

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hey y'all sorry for the lack of update (again) i promise i'll get better at this!! but anyways quick shoutout to camsepilogue (im aware in dark mode you can't see the name but you can just press the blank space lmao) if it weren't for her I wouldn't be writing this so say thank you

anyways this is already too long so enjoy the story <3

(hehe you might not even enjoy it, imma say sorry for the future)


Reva giggled as Alejandro stood over her in the bed, tickling the absolute life out of her.

"A-Ale!" she screamed, wiggling around and trying to get out of the boy's grasp. "Stop!"

"Nope!" Alejandro smirked, continuing. "Not until you tell me where the cookie dough ice cream is."

"I d-don't- know where it is!"

"Yes you do!"

The two of them  carried on wrestling in the bed, and Reva finally succeeded in pushing away Alejandro's sneaky fingers from her body, however Alejandro managed to pin Reva's arms beside her head. He stayed hovering over Reva, and stared at her as they both heavily breathed, maintaining eye contact. 

"I....." Reva started, nervous under the older boy's gaze.

The two of them were silent for a few seconds, until Reva noticed something.

Alejandro was starting to lean down towards her.

What if he kisses me?

Reva was still as she anxiously watched Alejandro's body get closer and closer to hers, and soon enough, their mouths were only an inch away from each other, noses touching.

"Ale...." Reva breathed.

And before she had time to say anything else, she felt Alejandro's soft lips on hers. Reva exhaled as her and Alejandro's lips moved in sync, the Hispanic boy deepening the kiss. 

But something stopped Reva.

She rolled out from underneath Alejandro's body, and got off of the bed, her breaths quick as Alejandro stared at her in awe.

"I thought-" 

"Ale I'm sorry I- I can't."

"Why?!" Alejandro exclaimed, crawling forward on the bed and putting Reva's hands in his.

"I just-" Reva started, pulling away from Alejandro's desperate grasp. "I can't."

Alejandro sighed as he looked down into his lap, not sure what to say.

"Can we just.....not talk about it?" Reva pleaded. "Pretend it never happened?"

There was a long silence as Alejandro thought about it for a minute.


~~10 years later~~

Ebun and Alejandro were happily married, and they had a 5 year old daughter. Reva died.

The end.

thank you guys for reading my book we've gone through such a long journey-


anyways back to the story lmao

~~10 minutes later~~

Alejandro and Reva awkwardly sat together in silence as they watched the movie in Reva's room.

She felt like they had so much more to talk about, but she couldn't bring herself to start the conversation. They stayed like that for the last half an hour of the movie until the credits began to roll.

"That was a good movie...." Reva muttered.

"Yeah...." Alejandro replied, not once looking towards Reva's direction.

Reva couldn't handle it anymore.


"Yeah?" he replied, however still wasn't looking at her.

"Look at me."

Alejandro slowly turned his head towards Reva, looking her in the eye.

"Please Ale. Can we please stop being all awkward."

"I'm trying I- I really am trying....but you know it's not gonna be the same anymore...not after what I did...." Alejandro broke the eye contact, looking in the opposite direction. What Reva couldn't see was a tear falling down his face, and more tears threatening to leave his eyes.

Reva frowned after hearing a small sniff from Alejandro.

"Ale are you- are you crying?"

"No." he mumbled, quickly wiping his face with his sleeve and turning back to Reva.

"I'm fine." he reassured her, putting on a fake smile. (oh how the tables have turned)

Reva wasn't stupid, though. She could see that his eyes were red and the tear tracks marking his once glowing skin. It pained her to hurt him like this. But she just couldn't do it. She was afraid of Alejandro destroying her. He might not even have feelings for her. It could all just be out of sympathy. She didn't want to go through the pain of heartbreak, it just wasn't worth it. She had said it before, and she was going to say it again.

I will get over him. No matter how long it takes me.

And the same thoughts ran through Alejandro's mind. However, neither of them realised that the feelings the other had for them were genuine.

But love can blind you.


oops? my heart went FUCK

maybe reva and alejandro aren't meant to be after all 😗

but i mean of course I'm going to be the decider of that

this is kinda short tbh but oh well

anyways bye hoez see y'all later

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