chapter 16

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Ebun and Reva spent pretty much the entire day together, doing the usual things best friends do: watch netflix, gossip, all that shit. It was moments like these that Reva appreciated, especially because of the mood that she had been in, it was like Ebun fixed all of that. They didn't really touch the subject of Alejandro any more, but they both knew that that conversation had to be finished at one point.

"Ok so do you wanna sleep here or do you want to go home?" Ebun called from her closet, digging in it to find something decent to wear to bed.

"I'm gonna have to go home, my parents and I only agreed for me to sleep out for this weekend, and I just can't be asked to persuade them to let me stay." Reva  replied, picking up her bag. "I doubt they'd let me anyway."

"That's cool, we can still hang out at school tomorrow."

"Yeah, we can." Reva smiled, slipping on her shoes.

Dumping her pyjamas on her bed, Ebun walked over to her bedroom door and opened it, letting herself and Reva leave the room. They made their way downstairs, however before Reva could leave, Ebun thought of something.

"Wait, you wanna make a tiktok? We haven't made one in ages. "

Reva stopped before she reached the front door, and turned around to grin at Ebun.

Ebun quickly ran upstairs with Reva following close behind. She switched on her LED lights and then grabbed her phone to open TikTok.

"Which one do you wanna do?"

Reva thought for a second."

"Let's do the one that's like 'throw that ass back and lemme see you do a split'."

"Aight, bet."

She got the sound ready on her phone and then set it on the table next to her bed. Pressing the 3-second timer, she got into frame with Reva than did the dance in time with the music.

                              🎵throw that ass back and let me see you do a split,
                                                                  (on god)
                                                        i'm moving too fast,
                                                       got three on the dash,
                                                       bitch i'm on your ass,     
                                                like why is everything chrome?🎵

The music ended and so Ebun and Reva watched what they had done.

"Damn, we're so in sync." Ebun grinned.

"I know right." Reva replied.

Ebun posted the video with the caption:

bestie tingz 😙✌

"Ok you can go now. See you tomorrow!" Ebun said to Reva, going back downstairs with her.

"Bye," Reva smiled, and then she exited the house.

'I should get ready for school tomorrow...' Ebun thought to herself.

~~the next day~~

"Ebun! Wake up! You're gonna be late for school!"

Ebun yawned as she slowly blinked her eyes open.

"Huh...." she mumbled, sluggishly dragging her arm across her face. "Since when did mom get home..."

"Mattia is here to pick you up, so you better hurry!" her dad called.

Ebun immediately sat up.

"Mattia?!" she exclaimed.

"Morning babe!" Mattia shouted from downstairs. "You better hurry, we need to get to school on time so we can bully Reva and Alejandro."

Ebun smiled tiredly.

"You got it!" she shouted back.

She would never miss a chance to pick on the two lovebirds.

Ebun jumped out of bed and grabbed some clothes. She ran into the bathroom and took a shower as fast as she could, brushed her teeth, and then got changed. She is sprayed on some perfume, did a quick touch of makeup and then she was ready to go. She grabbed her backpack and then ran downstairs, seeing Mattia talking to her parents.

"When did you two get home?" she questioned.

"We came back earlier this morning, you were already asleep." her dad told her.

"Oh okay!"

"Ready to go?" Mattia asked.

"Yeah, I don't need breakfast, I can go without it."

Mattia smiled, and then reached over to the kitchen table to grab a cheese sandwich.

"Nah, I got you a sandwich that you can have on the way there. It'll be fine since I have my car."

Ebun smiled, walking up to her boyfriend and taking the sandwich that was in his hands.


"Ok, enough with the flirting, you two." Ebun's mom interrupted, grinning. "Make sure you arrive at school safely, and be quick. But Mattia, make sure no speeding is involved, alright?"

"Yes ma'am." he chuckled.

Ebun groaned.

"Mom he knows how to drive."

"I know I know, now off with the both of you."

"Bye!" Ebun and Mattia said.

They took their bags and then left the house, entering Mattia's car that was literally right in front of the door.

Mattia put in the key and then started to drive while Ebun happily ate her sandwich.

"You wanna call Reva, see where she is?" Mattia suggested.

Ebun nodded, taking our her phone and dialling Reva, who was saved as Ale's Wifey🌹💕.


"Hey Reva. Where are you guys?"

How do you know I'm with Ale?

Ebun rolled her eyes.

"When are you not with Ale?"

I can be by myself sometimes, you know!

"Yeah, yeah. Now answer the question."

We're by the lockers....

"Aight, meet you two there. Bye!"


Ebun hung up: she didn't have no time for chit chat, she had to finish her sandwich!

"We're here."

Ebun looked up after stuffing the rest of the bread in her mouth and saw the school gates of Passaic Valley High School. Mattia parked in the parking lot and then took the key out of the ignition.

"Another shit-filled day yet to come." he sighed, opening the car door.

"Yep, today's just gonna be like every other day where no shit happens." Ebun agreed, also exiting the car.

They both then made their way towards the entrance of the school, to meet Alejandro and Reva.

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