chapter 7

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After Ebun had set up her speakers and the music began to blast through the house, her, Alejandro, Reva, and Mattia all got changed into the outfits that they were going to be wearing: Reva wore a medium-sized purple dress that deeply complemented her shimmering black hair, sparkling gems worn as earrings and she also put a shiny black nose stud. To finish it off, she wore beautiful blue heels, making her a few inches taller.  

As for Ebun, she wore a short red dress that helped show off her long legs with golden glitter spread across the it. Adding to the dress, she wore her small Gucci fur coat, cutting off at her waist. However, it wasn't too thick so she wouldn't be sweating during the party. For her shoes, she wore long, black knee-high boots(this was recommended by Mattia since he didn't want her showing too much skin). And finally, along with many other bracelets and a few rings, she wore a pair of large silver hoops.

Mattia and Alejandro decided to come in matching outfits: a thick white shirt that was tight against their bodies, slightly showing off their abs and sturdy physique. On top of this, they both wore a blue jeans jacket with silver buttons. To match with the denim, they wore dark blue jeans. And to top it off, they both wore their Nike Airforces (A/N this may or may not have been inspired with that picture my friend drew lmao); Mattia's being black and Alejandro's white.

They were ready.

Due to the loud music, the four of them met up in the kitchen after all of them had gotten changed so they could hear each other clearly.

"We look so fucking hot." Ebun smirked.

Mattia placed his hand around Ebun's waist.

"Especially you, babe."

Ebun slightly blushed, giggling and putting a hand to her face. She barely blushed at anything that was said to her, so she was slightly embarrassed. Mattia complimented her all the time but sometimes they really got to her.

"Thank you."

Alejandro smiled.

"Yeah, I guess Ebun looks pretty good, but can we please fucking appreciate how beautiful Reva looks right now?"

Reva blushed as three pairs of eyes kept their focus on her. She playfully pushed Alejandro's shoulder, embarrassed as the attention she was receiving.

"Stop exaggerating. I don't even look that nice....."

Ebun gave her the look.

"Shut the fuck up, girl. You look so fucking pretty I bet Alejandro is dying to kiss your beautiful face right now."

Alejandro grinned.

"I don't know. Maybe I am...."

"Nah bro. There's no maybe," Mattia smirked. "You are. You really fucking are."

Reva stomped her foot and crossed her arms, annoyed at the lies that her own friends were spewing out of their mouths - however she was secretly happy about the fact that Alejandro thought she was beautiful. But they didn't need to know that.

"No he's no-"

"Holy fucking shit. This is amazing."

A voice coming from the front of the house interrupted Reva.

The four of them quickly went back into the living room to see who had spoken, and coming through the front door was Kairi, hand-in-hand with his girlfriend Venusha(A/N yes yes i know it should be emily but my friend really wanted to be Kairi's girlfriend and I couldn't say no lmao).

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