chapter 18

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mmkay so ale and katie have stopped talking but imma still continue with him liking katie in this cos ion wanna fuck up the storyline yk

n e wayz enjoy



It was now the end of the school day and the four teenagers had decided to chill out at Ebun's house. 

"We're taking your car, right?" Ebun asked Mattia.

"Yeah." he replied, shaking his keys.

While Mattia sat in the driver's seat and Ebun in the passenger's seat, Alejandro and Reva sat together in the back. It was a little bit less awkward after what had happened that day but Alejandro had no idea what was going through Reva's head. For Alejandro, he thought that he and Reva were on good terms now and everything was ok. However for Reva, things were slightly different. But she wasn't going to say anything, was she?

"We're here." Mattia announced, pulling up at Ebun's house.

Ebun, Mattia and Reva all got out of the car, however Alejandro didn't move from his seat: he was looking at something on his phone.

"Uhh, Ale?" Ebun questioned.

Alejandro looked up, facing Ebun from inside the car.


"You coming?"

Alejandro was silent for a second, and then sighed.

"Sorry, Katie wanted to hang out and-"

Ebun yanked open the car door.

"Alejandro, if you don't get out of this fucking car right now-"

"Woah woah woah, what's going on, guys?"

Mattia and Reva noticed the scene that was unfolding before them, so Mattia decided to find out what the hell was happening. while Reva stood at the door, waiting.

Ebun looked pissed.

She turned to Mattia with a glare.

"Our so called friend here decided it was a much better idea to hang out with some girl who he's probably barely even talked to instead of hanging out with us."

Mattia rolled his eyes, grinning.

"Babe, stop over-exaggerating, he can hang out with other people-"

Ebun grabbed Mattia's arm and pulled him to the side, away from his car where Alejandro sat.

"Keep in mind that this is the same girl who Alejandro wanted to drop Reva for, and made her feel absolutely shitty about herself." she seethed quietly.

Mattia's eyes widened.


"Yeah, oh indeed. Now can you put some sense into this boy? Please?"

Mattia sighed.

He nodded and then walked back towards his car, now where Alejandro had gotten out of and staring quietly at Reva.

"Ale." Mattia started.

Alejandro pulled his eyes away from Reva and made eye-contact with Mattia.


"Can't this girl wait?" 

"Come on bro, I don't always have to be with you guys!"

Mattia didn't know how to word what he needed to say, especially since Alejandro couldn't know about Reva's feelings for him. Not yet at least.

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