chapter 31 (end)

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hey guys lol

i honestly like this book but i just wanna end it and get it over and done with

sorry if you wanted it to last longer i just lost interest in the boys honestly idc about them anymore, but i did promise not to discontinue it so at least y'all get an ending : )

i'll try my best to make this as good as possible and not shitty, even though it may be rushed

enjoy ❤️


"Kairi has what?"

Everyone spun around to look at Ebun, who shocked look on her face.

"Oh! Ebun, haha.." Mattia laughed nervously, skating over to where his girlfriend stood. "You're back..."

"Fuck yeah I am, I just wanna know what the hell you meant by this so-called "crush" you said Kairi has on me."

"No! That is not true!" Kairi shouted from the barrier of the ice rink, making everyone turn to look at him.

"Are you sure?" Ebun narrowed her eyes at the small boy. "So what's Mattia talking about then?"

Kairi rubbed a hand on his neck.

"I don't know..."

"Okay, I think we should all just forget about this and go home, we've spent enough time here anyway." Alejandro said, joining the conversation.

"No, I still wanna know-"

"Yep! Let's do that! You heard that, people? Shows over!" Mattia shouted to the growing crowd around them."

"Mattia!" Ebun hissed, grabbing her boyfriend's arm in frustration. 

"Sorry babe, but we need to fix the obvious tension. Let's just sleep it off and sort it out tomorrow. Besides, it's getting late."

Ebun sighed, letting go of Mattia and skating to the exit of the rink.


Mattia followed close behind, but not leaving without turning to Alejandro.

"Get Reva. We're leaving."

He didn't say anything to Kairi, and followed Ebun out of the rink.


a mini time skip brought to you by my unmotivation : )

It wasn't surprising when Kairi had asked to drive home with Reva and Alejandro, and they gladly let him: letting him go with Mattia and Ebun were only going to make matters worse. Alejandro told Reva about what had happened, making her feel bad for the short boy.

"Sorry bro." Alejandro started when they had nearly reached Kairi's house. "I know you really like her."

"Hey wait-"

"Don't deny it Kai, I see the way you look at her."

Kairi sighed.

"I guess. It's cool, I'll get over it."

The car stayed in silence once again until they pulled up at Kairi's house.

"Well, this is me. I'll see you guys later." he said, opening the back seat door.

"Bye Kai."

"Bye Kai, sorry about earlier."

"It's alright Reva, it's not your fault."

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