chapter 9

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Reva slowly opened her eyes with a yawn, stretching her arms across the bed. She rubbed her eyes with a groan and winced when she felt the immediate pain in her head.

"Fuck..." she muttered, closing her eyes and hoping the pain would just go away.

But then she remembered.

She remembered where she was.

And who she was with.

Her eyes burst open and right in front of her lay Alejandro, sleeping soundly. She realised that her arms was wrapped firmly around his waist and he was gripping her hand tightly. Trying not to wake him up, she slowly untangled her fingers from his and then very, very carefully removed her arm from his body. 

"Yes.." she sighed as she got her body away from his successfully. Imagine if he had woken up, only god knows how embarrassing that would have been.

But the world just hates Reva, doesn't it?

Alejandro made some kind of noise of objection and turned around to face Reva. Before she could react, he pulled her into his bare chest(he had taken off his hoodie in the middle of the night), putting his arm around her.

Reva froze, and seconds later, a deep,pink blush came upon her face: she had never really been in this close of a proximity with Alejandro before, excluding the times where they were hugging, but those were completely platonic. She had never been this close to him while he was shirtless so the way they looked right now seemed much more....romantic.

"Alejandro..." she complained. "Let go..."

His grip tightened.

"Alejandro!" she whisper-shouted, not wanting to bring the attention of Ebun or Mattia, or even worse, the two of them.

The door opened.

Speak of the devil.

"Ok guys, sleep time is over wake u-"

Reva froze. 

"Shit!" Alejandro exclaimed, immediately waking up and quickly moving to the edge of the bed.

Of course he wakes up when Mattia walks in.

"Damn, you guys getting fuckin' cozy in there aren't you?!" Mattia smirked, closing the door behind him.

"It's not what you think!" Reva exclaimed.

But then she thought about it for a few seconds.

"I think? I don't think me and Ale fucked."

Alejandro's eyes widened at Reva's bluntness but moments later chuckled.

"Nah, we didn't." he grinned.

"Well I don't think you've remembered, but don't you have somewhere to be, Alejandro?"

"Uhhh, no?"

"Family dinner?"

"Oh fuck!"

Alejandro threw himself out of the bed and yanked open the door, running through it.

Reva was about to speak when Alejandro burst back into the room.

"And Reva, you better get your ass up right now! You have to show up with my as my girlfriend!"

"Oh yeah!" Reva exclaimed.

She too, jumped out of the bed and followed Alejandro out of the room.

Mattia chuckled.

"Fuckin' lovebirds."



this was pretty much just a filler chapter, sorry if you were expecting something longer, but y'know, writers block and all that shit. N e wayz, imma probably write more tomorrow, depends of what i can think of. And thank you so much for all the reads, i can see we're about to hit 300! i love you all xx

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