Cha 1.) In Red

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I dyed my hair red early that morning.
I made sure I looked pretty different than I had in middle school.
I combed my red long hair and stared at myself in the mirror.
"Today will be different, smile like you mean it and force him to be your friend."

Then kill him..

I quickly ran out the front door of my house.
Bakugo, you're not getting away with hurting people anymore! I won't let you!
I walked into my high school with all the most blandest people in the world.
Everyone was in a group that I never belonged in.
And then there was Bakugo.
He walked into the building and I followed.
He was at his locker and I watched as he opened it.
I then tapped onto his shoulder.

Somehow he sounded more angry than I remembered.
I bet no one knew about his past, what he did...
But I do.
Bakugo stared at me.
"Wait.. Do I know you?"
He asked looking at me.
I said smiling.

"Yeah, that kid never smiled..."
He said closing his locker looking down.
"So need anything?"
He asked confused.
"Wanna be friends, I'm Kirishima?"
I asked

I made a pouty face and he covered it with his hand agreeing in defeat.
I pretended to be all excited and hugged him, though; I was surprised he agreed.
The reason he started bullying me in the first place was because I had asked to be his friend.
He thought he was too amazing but...
He's changed.

Wait.. NO!
No he hasn't!
He's just the same!
Completely and utterly the same.
"Hey, calm down, it's not that fun being my friend.."
He said.
He looked sad.
"I doubt that!"
I exclaimed.

He looked at me and smiled slightly.
"Hey, umm. What classes do we have together?"
He asked me.
I pulled out a piece of paper with all my classes on it.
Turns out we had every class together.
He sighed in disbelief and we walked to first period together.
He doesn't even notice a thing.
Does he even have one bad feeling about his fate, about what's going to happen?
He has no guilt for that kid's death...
Izuku Midorya.

That kid, we were close to the same height and we were both very quiet and afraid of Bakugo but also fond of him at the same time.
I knew the two were childhood friends and I couldn't believe how he treated Midorya.
I once got in the way of his bullying and he beat me up instead saying I wasn't worth his energy as he walked away.

I remember that day clearly.
I was running back to get my notebook I had left in class and I heard someone with a rough voice speak,  'go take a swan dive off of the school's roof top, maybe in your next life you won't be a fag!'

I wanted to interfere but I just stood there at the door like an idiot too afraid to do anything!
I knew Midorya was a wreck and that he was abandoned by multiple people in his life but I never expected him to actually do it! Neither did Bakugo or anyone else for that matter.
He was just gone and that was our last year there and now here we are.

I'm walking along side a murder..

Aren't I a murder too...?

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