Cha 26.) Telling Him

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(Bakugo's POV)

He pulled away from the kiss and he looked up at me nervously.
I looked away embarrassed.
"L-Look.. I didn't mean to.. Uh-
"I love you."
Kirishima said with no shame.
I yelled, I didn't mean for that to come out so.. Loud.

"Pft- What's wrong, you kissed me remember dude?"
He said laughing.
I felt my face heat up and as if it were an instinct I hugged him.
"I love you too.."
I then pulled away after a few seconds.

He widened his eyes even though it was no surprise, I guess he didn't expect me to say it back.
I then picked up the umbrella.
"Let's get you back inside."
I said smirking.

"Actually I'm getting you back inside, I came out here to bring you back because you were trying is desperately to give yourself a cold."
He said crossing his arms.
"Mhm.. Says the one who was playing in the rain the last time we were out here."
I said with a grin.

"I'd say.. We were both playing in the rain.."
Kirishima leaned on me and spoke in a childish voice.
"Is the sharky tired?"
I asked in a childish voice.
"Yes, the sharky is tired.."
He said while his childish voice remained.

I don't think he meant to make the voice.. It was cute... I guess.
I took his hand and he looked up at me.
He then smiled and laid his head back on my shoulder as the rain his the umbrella above us.

I opened the door and my mom turned around from the couch.
"Oh, you guys are.."
My mom looked at me confused.
"Weren't you the one with the umbrella Katsuki?"
She asked confused.
"Things happen."
I said and then walked to my room still holding his hand.
I heard my mom gasp and she went quiet.

I took out some clothes from my drawer and handed them to Kirishima.
"Thanks Bakugo!"
He said smiling.
"It's no problem."
I said grabbing my night wear.
"I'll change in the bathroom, you can change in here."
I said and left the room.

I walked into the bathroom and closed my eyes.
"I kissed him.."
I mumbled with a huge smile.
"You whaAAT?"
I heard my mom.
I looked down the where her voice came from and saw her lips sticking through from under the door.
"M-Mom.. Really?"
I said embarrassed.
"I won't disturb you, goodnight honey!"

I then heard her waltz into my room saying goodnight to Kirishima.
I quickly changed and headed back to my room.

I turned to see him laying in bed already.
He moved his head towards me.
He stayed quiet as he was all tuckered from the beach.
"It's.. Alright, sorry for waking you."
I said.
"Mmmh.. You didn't.."
He said closing his eyes and dozing off.
I smiled and switched the light off.
I then crawled over next to him and closed my eyes.
As I doze off I could feel his warm hand slip against mine.
My eyes opened slightly.

My eyes opened slightly

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He was.. Really close.
I felt him smile as he was leaned up against my face.

"Goodnight Kiri.."

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