Cha 27.) Am I Manly

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(Kirishima's POV)

I woke up to something heavy..
My nose scrunched up and I squinted my eyes slowly opening them.
I looked down to see Bakugo's arm laying on my chest.
I smiled and looked to his face.
He looked.. Less angry when he was asleep, more peaceful than anything.
I mean you'd assume that with anyone but with Bakugo.. It was hard to believe that you'd ever find him in any kind of peaceful state.
Especially in middle school...

No, I shouldn't be thinking about the past!
I slowly moved his arm off of my chest and smiled brightly.

Bakugo woke up instantly and with his other arm he had behind my head he pulled the blanket over my face

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Bakugo woke up instantly and with his other arm he had behind my head he pulled the blanket over my face.
He shushed me wrapping his arms around me.
I felt nervous.
This was going too fast.

I pulled away and looked down.
I then felt a hand on my shoulder.
"You alright?"
He asked still half asleep.
I smiled.
"Yeah.. Just.."
I looked outside.
"It's a nice day, wanna ask Sero and Kamanari if they wanna hang out?"
I asked smiling.
"It's too early to decide!"
Bakugo mumbled laying back down.

I went over to the curtains and swung them open.
"Come on, you sleep in like this all of the time?"
I asked confused.
Bakugo put the blanket over his head.
"Of course!"
He yelled.

"I.. Don't ever really have enough time I the day.. Don't you ever feel that way?"
I asked frowning a bit turning to Bakugo who peaked over the blanket.
"I don't really do anything anyway!"
He sighed turning over.
I skipped over to him.

"And that's where I come in!"I sang

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"And that's where I come in!"
I sang.
I started to pull him and finally he gave up.
I had gotten him to get up.
He sat there sighing.
"Wanna.. See if your dad is home?"
He asked rather casually.
"Uhm.. Sure."

He got up and headed for his drawer.
Take these and go take a shower.
He handed them to me and I took them.
"Thanks bro!"
I said smiling.
"One question though.."
I mumbled.
"Hm, what is it?"
He looked confused due to the silence.

"Am I manly to you.. I know you said no before but.."
I looked away from him feeling nervous.
Bakugo said smiling at me.

I felt my face heat up.
I then went to take a shower.
I.. Haven't felt this happy in a while.

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