Cha 22.) Spikes

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(Bakugo's POV)

I opened the front door with Kirishima following close behind.

"Hey Katsuki, and.. Hello there."
My mother said.
Kirishima instantly put his head down with guilt.
"I'm so sorry for all of the trouble I've caused, I-

"It's alright, but one thing we need to clarify is that you are both getting therapy, alright?"
My mother said with no shame.
Kirishima and I nodded.
It was for the best.

"Alright, I'll be making lunch in a few. If you'd like, get ready for the beach, I can bring sandwiches and the sea water would be good for your wounds Kirishima!"
She said smiling.
I'm not sure if this was going too fast for Kiri but he seemed fine with it so I went along with it.

We then went to my room.
I grabbed a newer swimsuit that hadn't been used yet. I also grabbed a shirt.
"Here, I haven't used this one, and it's red like your hair. And also a shirt."
I said handing him the clothes.
He smiled.

"Does it hurt or is it hard to walk? I mean you haven't walked in a while.."
I asked.
"Well.. It feels weird if, I just need to walk it off."
He said looking down.

"Alright, I'm gonna change, you can use the bathroom."
I said pointing out in the hall.

He nodded and headed towards it.
I changed into the swimsuit and put a shirt on top.
After I had changed I waited outside the bathroom door.
What was.. Taking so long?

"Hey, Kirishima you alright?"
I asked concerned.
He then opened the door slowly.
"Yup! Though.. I kinda.. Found this.."
He said pointing to the gel on the counter.
I looked up at him and..

"What did you do to your hair!?""Awe, you don't like it?"He laughed

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"What did you do to your hair!?"
"Awe, you don't like it?"
He laughed.
"It looks real shitty.."
I smirked.
I closed the gel container and put it in the cabinet.

"Alright, lets go."
I said walking through the hallway with him.
My mom turned around after she had packed the lunch and paused.
"What.. Happened to him?"
She said trying to keep herself from laughing.
"He found the gel.. He doesn't.. Have much experience I'm guessing."
We all laughed and I grabbed the bag full of the lunch and put it into the car.

We got into the car and I started to drive towards the beach.

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