Cha 24.) Attempts Made

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(Bakugo's POV)

I was in the middle of tackling Kamanari when I noticed..
Kirishima hadn't come back in yet.
I let go of Kamanari and headed to the shore.
"Where are you going?"
He yelled behind me.
He was like a fussy toddler.

I walked over to where my mom and Kirishima were and he was.. Sleeping?
I sighed.
He probably still needed to rest.
I laid down next to him and faced the sky.

"I'm glad you've made friends Katsuki."
My mom said smiling at me.
"Yeah, they're cool.."
I turned my head facing my mom.
"You seem really soft on Kirishima. I mean even before what happened recently.. You seemed comfortable with him."
She said catching me off guard.
"I.. I guess so.. What are you getting at?"
I asked sitting up.

"I think you have feelings for him, I'm not pushing the feelings into you but I've never seen you so nice or.. Happy. You're not even this nice to me."
She snorted.
I said feeling my face heat up.

Suddenly a bunch of sand was flung in my face.
I heard the annoying voice.
"Come on, you're already worn out?"
Kamanari asked tilting his head.

"I was just trying to get away from you dumbass."
He looked offended at what I said and immediately shot back.
"Well at least I don't act like I'm in my forties!"
He then ran into the water with Sero coming up.
"Ouch.. Is forty that old..?"
My mom mumbled.
"No, he's just being stupid."
I said.

"Sorry about him, he has no other friends other than me and even if I try to get rid of him.. He always.. Comes back."
Sero said sitting down.
He looked at Kirishima.
"I'm sorry about what happened, d-
"Don't, clearly it's not a good topic."
I said sternly.
He looked at me as if he understood and he then kept quiet.
It was getting late and so I nudged Kirishima.
He made a small groan and went back to being quiet.
He looked so peaceful when asleep.
I just wante-
Kamanari yelled.
Kirishima shot up in a daze.
"Just ignore him.."
Kirishima nodded and leaned onto me.
I looked to my mom and she smirked at me with her hand on her chin.
It's I do treat him differently than I would with other people.. But..
Isn't that just because when I look at him I see Izuku?

No.. Izuku annoyed me.
He makes me happy.
"Why's he so tired?"
Kamanari asked confused.
Sero nudged him and he went quiet.
"The sun is coming down, wanna stay for the sunset?"
Sero asked smiling at me.
"Sure, why not.."
I then tapped Kirishima.
"Hey, we're gonna watch the sunset, wanna watch it with us?"
I asked.
I stood up and helped him up while Sero and Kamanari ran to the shore.
We started to walk but Kirishima didn't let go of my hand.
I didn't either.. Because I didn't wanna make him feel uncomfortable so.. I held back.

We sat down at the shore and watched as Sero and Kamanari still had enough energy to tackle each other as the sun was going down.
And right as it did..
I felt a peck on my cheek.
I turned around slowly to Kirishima who was looking at the sand wide eyed.

I froze.. I assume I looked like an idiot.
I didn't do anything and just acted like I had felt nothing.

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