Cha 14.) Fuck Off

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(Bakugo's POV)

I woke up turning off my alarm clock.
I stretched and yawned staring blankly at the wall.
I closed my eyes breathing in and out.
I then went to the closet and changed.

I walked out to see my mother.
"You alright with going to school today Katsuki?"
She asked looking worried.
I nodded.
"I need to fix this, it's the only way we can both move on."
She looked at me teary eyed.
"You really have changed."
She said hugging me tightly.
I felt myself smile and I hugged back.

I don't really enjoy my mother..
But when I do, it's nice.

We let go and I walked out of the house.
I breathed in and out again.
"You're gonna fix this."
I reassured myself.

I then headed towards school.
I looked all around but just like yesterday he was late
Again the guys were at his locker but this time instead of spray painting they were just..
Waiting for him.

"But why did he stop us, he fucking bullied that one kid to suicide!"
I heard one of them yell to the other.
I curled my open hand into a fist.
"Because he's chicken, he doesn't wanna get in trouble."
The other snickered.
"We're just trying to get rid of people who just take up space like the red head, ya know."

Those words just made me crack.

I bolted towards him and punched him.
The two other tackling me while cursing.
"Fucking hell! Is he your boyfriend or something!?"

They punched me a bit and I kicked one off of me while punching the other.
The other tackled me and punched me again.
I pushed him off of me pulling him up by his shirt.
"Leave him the FUCK alone!"
I yelled and then threw him at the lockers.
I saw a teacher walking down the hall and I ran.
I ran out of the school.
I lost control..
I ran and I just kept running until..
Something caught my eye.
The cemetery.
I paused and turned my body towards it.
I walked into it and started to look around.

I turned to Izuku's grave and saw a familiar red head.
He was placing flowers on his grave.

I walked over trembling a bit.
He was.. Crying.
I started to walk over when he turned to me.
He looked at me wiping his tears.
Kirishima stood up straight and just looked at me.
I did the same.

He started to walk over to me, I took a step back and he stopped walking.
He sighed and started to walk the other way.
I couldn't contain myself and started crying, I ran over to him and grabbed his hand.

I couldn't contain myself and started crying, I ran over to him and grabbed his hand

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I fell to my knees and sobbed yelling.
Kirishima knelt over to me and lifted my head up.

"I'm not angry anymore.."
He gave me a sad smile and he hugged me.
I hesitated before hugging back.
"I'm.. Sorry too Bakugo.."
We stayed there like that for a while.

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