Cha 9.) You In The Rain

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(Bakugo's POV)

We were walking down the street silently.
He was wobbling side to side, still tired I guess.
His eyes were red and puffy.
I grabbed his arm and let him lean into me.
"I'm sorry.. This isn't so manly.. I'm not normally like this."
That was a lie.

I didn't bother to see if he was smiling cause I could already feel the imprint of it on my shirt he was leaning into.
"So is your house close to mine?"
I asked wondering how long this would take.
"Oh, yeah, it's on the other side of the neighborhood."
He said quietly.
"Are your parents home?"
I asked.

My mom has been out all day.
I felt the imprint of his smile fade.
"Though they're rarely home.."
He said.

"Oh.. Isn't it better, no one there to bug you?"
I asked trying to relate to him.
Kirishima pointed to a bench and we took a break.

It wasn't much walking but we were both tired already.
I sat down and Kirishima walked behind me.
He fell silent.
I felt a drop of water hit my nose.
Then down came rain.
I looked behind me and watched as Kirishima as he took off his sweater, then I looked back forward and suddenly the rain was less harsh.
I looked behind me again to see
Kirishima was smiling while holding his sweater above my head.

I'm not sure why but I got angry. I took my sweater off and put it on his head.
"What are you doin'?"
I asked annoyed.

"I'm trying to protect you from the rain

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"I'm trying to protect you from the rain."
He laughed at his choice of wording.
I sighed.
"So, what are you doing?"
He asked.

I fell silent.
I got up and we started to walk again.
"Aww.. That wasn't even a break!"
He laughed.
"You lost your break privileges."
I heard him gasp in a sarcastic way.
I laughed at him.

I think I was kind of getting comfortable around him..
I just wanted to know why he wanted to be my friend in the first place.

Finally there was his house.
The rain started to come down less harsh.
Kirishima went up to the door and knocked.
Then he looked back at me.
He then ran to me and hugged me.

The door opened and an older guy just stared angrily as he crossed his arms.
I hugged Kirishima back and smiled.
"See you tomorrow Kirishima!"
I said as he walked away.
"You too!"
He was skipping backwards and bumped into the wall.

"Son, come on, don't play games now."
The older guy was his father.
He looked angry but he tried to keep his voice down.

Kirishima then lowered his head and walked inside waving at me.
Then the door slammed.
That was weird.
I was alone again..
I actually enjoyed his company.
I started to walk away from the house when I heard yelling.

I turned around.
Did he get in trouble for staying out too late or something?
I hope I didn't cause too much trouble..
I sighed hoping it wasn't anything too serious and walked away.
I kept looking back though..

Just in case..

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