Cha 17.) To See In His Eyes

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(Bakugo's POV)

Me and my mother walked into the hospital straight for the front desk.
"And.. Who are you here to see?"
Said a lady who seemed bored out of her mind asked me.
"Ejirou Kirishima, I'm a close family friend."
I said trying to give her a trusting smile.

She looked at her computer clicking.
"You're not on the list.."
She said chewing her gum.
"Please, his father hates me yes, but there's a reason.. Why.. Um.."
I had to come up with something.

"Go on.."
"I'm his boyfriend and his father is homophobic.. He uh, he didn't want me visiting for that reason."
I said looking straight into her eyes.

"Alright.. Fine, but first write down both of your names and numbers into this book.
room three sixteen by the way."

We wrote down our names and our phone numbers and started walking.

Me and my mom walked to the elevator.
I felt myself shaking.
I was just running head first into this mess..
While in the elevator my mom rubbed my back.
I turned to her giving her a half smile.
"If you.. Like him, I won't judge. I'm on your side no mat-
"I-I don't like him! I just needed an.. Excuse."
I yelled at her.
Now that she says that..
No, I don't!
Ugh, my head is aching.

The elevator doors opened and we walked over to room three sixteen.
I breathed in and out and opened the door.
I took a step back when I saw Kirishima.
He was connected to all these wires as expected but.. For some reason.. It was hard to take in.

I grabbed the sheet of paper that laid on the doctor's desk.
"Katsuki.. What happened to him..?"
My mother asked nervously.
"I'm.. Not s-

Patient - Kirishima Ejirou
Sex - Male
Age - 16

Injuries -
Neck Bruised
Back Of The Head Bruised
Wrist Fracture
Broken Nose
Punctured Lung
A Fractured Rib

Cause - Fall From A High Place

Foul play - None

Suicide Attempt

"He fell from a high place. I'm guessing there were witnesses because it was automatically listed as a suicide attempt."
I mumbled.
My mom came over to me and hugged me.
"I'm fine.. I just.. I could've helped. I thought he needed to get away from me."
I said tearing up.

My mom started to walk out of the room.
"I'll.. be waiting outside. Take your time alright?"

The door closed and I sat myself down on a chair.
"I'm sorry.."
I mumbled.
I dragged his hand over my head.
"I'm so fucking sorry!"
I held onto his hand tighter.

"I'm so fucking sorry!"I held onto his hand tighter

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I then went quiet.
I didn't want to believe it, and honestly I was still taking it in.
I felt as if I was taking it lightly but the minute my mom left I started full on crying.

"You can't leave me.. Like Izuku, okay?"
I lifted my head facing him.
I mumbled.
I then heard a man yelling outside the door.
My mom was yelling as well.
I slowly got up lowering Kirishima's hand.
I went over to the door and slowly opened it.

"There's that fucker!"
It was Kirishima's dad.
"Stay the hell away from my son!"
He yelled.
"My Katsuki did nothing to him! Your son held a knife to my son!"
My mom yelled in anger.

"Why did you lie!?"
I yelled.
"About what?"
He asked annoyed.
"You told the school that I bullied him on his way home, I never did that you asshole!"
I yelled.
"Well you're making him believe he's something that he isn't, you're ruining my son!"
He yelled getting in my face.
I pushed him away.
"What exactly is he not? And you don't get to say what he is and isn't!"
I shouted back.
"You made him a faggot, and he thinks he's all manly. Fucking disgusting is what he is."
He muttered.
I was about to kill the bastard when my mother held me back.

"We need to go Katsuki, the doctors are coming, we're causing a ruckus in the hospital!"
She yelled pulling my arm.

I pulled my arm away from my mom and got in his face.
"Just know that after this your not gonna hurt him ever again, got this you fucking bastard!?"
I yelled and then walked away.

I didn't know how but I was going to make sure that Kirishima wasn't going back to that house ever again..
I shouldn't have ever left him.
I shook my head and got into the car. My mom started it up and then started.

"Katsuki, once he's awake.. And well, he can stay at our house. His father is a mean.. Mean man."
She said looking disgusted.
"He needs to except his son for who he is!"
She shouted.

"Mom, mom calm down, he's in the hospital not in here."
I said smiling a bit.
"I know.. I'm just practicing for when I see him again!"

How did I make Kirishima gay?
It's not a virus, what a fucking idiot..
But, could.. Kirishima.. Like me?
I shook my head at the thought.
No, he wanted to kill me just a day ago.
I sighed and closed my eyes.

What a fuckin' hell of a day..
I just hope once I see you again you'll be in better shape.

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