Cha 10.) An Attempt

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(Bakugo's POV)

I finally had gotten back home when I noticed my mother's car in the drive way.
She was back from work.
She didn't have a good job for a while there but she finally decided to apply for a better one.
Though she's out all day..
But that isn't a bad thing, it makes us appreciate each other more.

I walked into the house and my mother greeted me at the door.
"Hey.. Bakugo?"
My mother looked concerned.
I asked annoyed.
"Um.. I found a knife. It has.. Blood on it. It was in the couch. I was going to sit and it poked me, did you put it th-
I took the knife from her and looked at it in shock.
"So that's what he was using.."
My mother gave me a gasp.
I looked up at her.

"Nothing, it's my problem. I didn't do anything to myself alright. I'm trying to help this guy from my school who clearly isn't thinking straight."
She looked at me smiling and I walked off to the kitchen sink cleaning the knife and putting it into the dishwasher.
I then headed to my room and laid on the bed.
What was going on in his head?
Should I return his knife?
That probably wouldn't be a good idea but maybe it'll get him to speak..?

Then I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning with a headache.
I groaned and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
I then sprinted to the kitchen for the knife and ran out the door saying bye.
Ever since Izuku died I've learned to appreciate people more.. I guess.
I'm not completely perfect but.. I'm trying.

I walked into the school and looked for Kirishima.
I sighed in defeat as he was no where to be found and went to my locker when I saw three guys from one of our periods spray painting someone's locker with hurtful words.
I walked up to them.
"What are you doing?"
I asked annoyed.

"Oh, you wanna join us?"
The boys said.
They were the same ones from middle school.
I guess they think I'm the same person.
"You know that red headed freak? We're just giving him a little message!"
My eyes widened and I pushed one of them to the ground.
Where the fuck are the teachers.
Instead of fighting I ran to the nearest class and told the teacher what had happened.
They got up and walked out with me into the hallway.

When we got out there.. I turned to the lockers.
Kirishima was standing there just staring at the words with a blank expression.
The boys were laughing.
I saw Kirishima's eyes go wide to one of the expressions he read on the locker.
It was probably the one telling him to jump off the school roof top.
It probably reminded him of..

"In the principal's office! NOW!"
The teacher yelled and the boys turned to the teacher and there eyes went big.
I heard one of them mumble.
I walked closer to Kirishima.

"Hey, it's okay. Just.. Ignore them."
I said calmly.
I was looking at him up and down.
I was still worried about the yelling that had happened last night.
The only thing that was off was the bruise on his arm.

It was as if someone had grabbed him really violently.
"It's fine. That happened in middle school all of t-
He looked as if he wasn't supposed to say that and then he went quiet.
I sighed and pulled out the knife.

"So.. Uh you left something."
He looked at the knife in shock and put his hand on his head.
"Oh.. I-I'm so sorry!"
I patted him on the shoulder.

"Calm down. It's alright. I just don't want you to hurt yourself again. I'm gonna keep it alright?"
I said changing my mind on giving the knife back.

He nodded and smiled hugging me tightly.
I said surprised.
I felt my face heat up a bit.
I hugged back and then he pulled away.

"We should.. Get to class."
He said fidgeting with his hands and started walking.
I followed and just looked at him.

We sat down and waiting for our Sensei in silence.

Everyone around was talking with each other but for some reason we stayed silent

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Everyone around was talking with each other but for some reason we stayed silent.
We only gave each other a glance every now and then.

What were you thinking?

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