Cha 2.) Not So Familiar

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(Bakugo's POV)

As I sat next to the red head in first period.. I couldn't help.. But feel.. Safe?
I felt excepted.
He was the only kid here who didn't know about what I had done.
What I had caused..
I was never reported by any of the kids for bullying.. Izuku...

But everyone hated me after that.
I was separated from society.
I was alone.
Though Kirshima reminds me of someone.. I couldn't quite put my finger on what made him.. Seem like that.. Kid.. What was his name?
I just called him Deku #2 as he was very much like him.
I can't... I can't stand what I did..
I wonder, what I was thinking..
I looked beside me at the red head.

As everyone was talking he stared nervously down at his desk.
He was so bright and smiley earlier, so why was he quiet all of a sudden?
"Hey, you okay?"
I asked him.
"A-Ah! Yeah, sorry! I zoned out.."
He said scratching the back of his head.
"Class is about to start so.. Try and not stare at your desk the whole time..Eh.."
I tried to be funny but what I said was anything but funny.
Surprisingly he smiled at me and giggled.
I think he noticed the poor attempt..

"Thanks Bakugo!"
I stared at him confused.
I had never told him my name.
"Uhm, I never said my name, Kirishima.."
He looked at me almost frightened.
"Oh, I saw your name on that sheet you had while showing me your classes!"
He looked nervous.
I must.. Be overthinking.
"I'm sorry.. I've just been... A bit paranoid this past year."
I said without thinking.
He asked tilting his head.

"Class will now begin, when I call you name stand up and introduce yourself."
Our teacher said sternly as he stood confidently.
I sighed staring at the red head who looked nervous.
I guess we have one thing in common.
We'd be better off without introducing ourselves to any of these people.

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