Cha 20.) Not Close Enough

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(Bakugo's POV)

Finally, it was the weekend.
I was thinking of visiting Kirishima again.
I just wanted to catch him on the day that he'd wake up.

He's been asleep for the past five days.
Not exactly in a coma, the doctors said his body went through trauma and it needed a cool down.

As I was heading to the hospital I got a call.
It was.. From.. The hospital?

I picked it up and..
It was Kirishima's doctor.
"Kirishima Eijirou has woken up and has requested to see you. Are yo-
"I'm on my way!"
I yelled and hung up with a bright smile.
"Thank fucking god!"
I yelled and sped up.

I had just gotten my driver's license recently and this is my mom's car.. So..
I slowed down but then sped back up.
Whatever man, Kirishima's gonna be okay!
I drove into the plaza and parked my car running out of it almost tripping over myself.

I got to the front desk and the lady made me sign in again.
"You seem happy."
She said.
"The doctor told me he woke up!"
I said.
She smiled nodding and I sped walk to the elevator.

I breathed out a sigh full of relief and I then felt myself starting it tear up.

The elevator opened and I walked over to the room.
I wiped my face and walked in opening the door slowly.
Kirishima lied on the bed facing the ceiling, he hadn't even noticed that I'd walked in until I started making my go towards him.

I mumbled standing next to him.
He didn't say anything and just smiled at me.
I leaned over closer to him and he ran his fingers through my hair.

I leaned over closer to him and he ran his fingers through my hair

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"Hey Bakugo.. I'm sorry.. I was j-
Without a thought I hugged him.
"Don't ever do that again okay!?"
I yelled at him.
It went quiet until I started to speak again.
"You don't even know how scared I was."
I said still holding onto him.
"I'm sorry.. And.. I won't. I wasn't thinking straight."
He said softly.

Not thinking straight could've gotten you killed!
At least.. That's what I wanted to say, but instead I stayed quiet holding onto him.

"I just.. Thought you needed time away from me, what exactly happened?"
I asked.

"My.. Father kicked me out so.. I wandered around for a bit.. And I saw Izuku. N-Not really though.. I haven't been that sane recently so.. Yeah, he wasn't really there. And then there was a bridge so I.. Jumped."
He said trying to recap it all.
I was still hugging him when I finally let go.

"I shouldn't have left you."
I said disappointed.
"If you feel uncomfortable staying at your parent's house then.. You could stay with me.. I mean he did kick you out."
I said.

"Is your mom okay with it?"
He asked.
"Of course, and.. Just don't worry about anything for now, alright?It's all gonna turn out ok."
I said smiling.
He smiled back.

Suddenly everything seemed a little brighter..

"Oh, are you hungry, I can grab you something?"
I offered.
He nodded.
I got up and headed out the door closing it.

I asked the nurse where I could find a snack and she pointed.

There was a table full of snacks.
I grabbed a small knife as well as
an apple from the fridge and washed it with the tap water from the bathroom.

I then walked over back into the room and saw that the door was open.
I had just closed it, hadn't I?
I peaked through door and saw Kirishima's father standing over him was an older woman was hugging him crying.
I could only assume that that was his mother.

"My baby! I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up!"
She yelled.
"Let's hurry this up.."
His father mumbled.
I saw Kirishima glare at his father who had his hands balled up into fists.

"Let's go dear."
He said pulling the lady by her arm.
"Alright, I love you Kiri, see you tomorrow!"
She said waving.
I slid behind the door as they walked past.

Once I figured that they were gone I went back into the room.
"Hey, is this good?"
I asked showing him the apple.
He smiled and nodded.

I sighed and sat down peeling the apple with the knife.

I sighed and sat down peeling the apple with the knife

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"Thank you Bakugo."
He said smiling.
"It's whatever.. Anyway, what's the deal? Your mom seems nice so why is your dad such an asshole. Isn't the saying like "happy wife happy life" like the fuck's his problem?"
I asked.

"H-Hey where's this coming from?"
He asked nervously.
"Your dad.. The bastard told the school that.. I was bullying you on your way home."
Kirishima frowned.

"He's.. Annoying, I'll tell the school that it was a mistake, and my mom is nice.. She's just not home a lot. She's always at work and she usually goes out of state. I'm guessing today or yesterday is when she just got back."
He said looking disappointed.

I then handed him the peeled apple.
"Thank you Bakugo.. And um.. I uh.."
He was trying to say something but couldn't quite get it out.

I asked confused.
"Never mind.."
He said looking embarrassed.
"Alright.. I.. Should get going now, is that okay with you?"
I asked.
He nodded.
"And also, I've written all the notes from school on extra sheets of paper, I'll show you them tomorrow, okay?"
I clarified.

"Thank you."
He said looking guilty.
"It's no problem, see you tomorrow!"
I said and walked out.

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