Cha 21.) Coming To Terms

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(Kirishima's POV)

For the past week Bakugo has been teaching me basically.
He's just been by my side and today is the day when I'm going to be released.
I was happy but at the same time I was scared, I was scared because I'd have to face my father and tell him that.. I didn't wanna live in that hell anymore.

Bakugo was coming to pick me up a half an hour after I'd be released as he had to be in school.

My father is coming to pick me up around an hour before that but I'm going to explain to him why I'm not going back.

Is was getting closer to that time and I was trying to clear my mind..
I needed to think on how I would do this.

He didn't want me around anyway so this would be rather easy, I just don't want to be a burden to Bakugo's mom.

I waited there for a few minutes and the doctor came in and started to get the cord detached from me.

"Alright, you're all set. Just don't work yourself too much."
He said.

I got up slowly, wobbled a bit, and then walked out of the room.
As if right on cue my father came waltzing in.

"Kirishima, let's go. Your mom just left for work again, this one was an emergency or whatever."
He mumbled.

"I'm moving out."
I said.
He wouldn't do anything in public.
I already planned on picking up my stuff when he's out of the house, I still have a key.

He turned to me confused.
"You kicked me out and it would be much more better for us if we just split ways."
I said, I felt as if that was very manly.

"Fucking idiot, and where will you go, huh!? That fucking blond's house?"
He asked getting a little louder.
I just ignored him and walked past heading outside.
I then sat on a bench waiting.

"Fine! Don't EVER come back home because you aren't welcomed!"
He yelled getting in my face.
He then hesitated before leaving.

He wasn't expecting that of me, it feels good to make him feel like the confused one.

I then felt my phone buzz.
I pulled it out from my pocket.
Bakugo was letting me know that he was on his way.
I looked at the time and noticed that he should be in school, I sighed realizing that he got nervous and skipped last class.

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