Cha 19.) Brightened World

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(Kirishima's POV)

I woke up to a very strong smell..
Like a lot of chemicals.
My eyes slowly opened and everything around me was white.
I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light.

I tried to speak but it was painful.
There were bandages all over me.
My arms.. My neck, even my head.
I thought back to what had happened and sighed.

I wasn't dead but I was in a lot of pain.
I stayed laid down as it was a bit painful to even move my arms.

I just gave myself more problems..
I'm an idiot.
I saw the white door open slowly and a doctor came in.

He looked at me and then left the room, I assume he left to get another doctor.
He came back a few seconds later with a nurse.

"How are you feeling Kirishima?"
He asked.
My voice was dead.

"Does it hurt to speak?"
He asked.
I tried to nod.
He then typed onto his keyboard.

"Do you remember what happened before you got here?"
He asked.
"I.. Jumped off a bridge."
I mumbled.
"Well that's good, you've still got your memory bud."
He said trying to make me smile.
He then turned from me back to his computer typing.

"I'll call your father."
He said walking out.
The nurse stayed beside me smiling.
I tried smiling back though I was very uncomfortable.

A few minutes later the doctor came back in.
"Your father.. Says he's busy. Would you like to call anyone else?"
I felt relieved as he spoke but then again.. I felt as if I meant nothing to my father, which honestly I probably didn't mean anything to him.

I wanted to call Bakugo but I didn't want him to worry, did he even know about this.
I felt embarrassed, when I jumped I wasn't even thinking straight.
I sighed and thought it was best if I just own up to what I had done.
The only thing that stopped me from calling him.. Is that I didn't have his number.

"Yes, but I don't have his number."
I said.
"He could of possibly visited, I could check the through the names of people who have visited, when I come in they register their number and name into a book.
I'll be right back."
The doctor then left the room.

I was nervous..
What if he had visited, then he'd know about what I had done already.
Is he gonna be mad..?

"Do you need water?"
The nurse asked me.
Right, she was still in the room with me.
"Yes please."
I said.
She left the room and quickly came back with a cup of water.
"Here you go."
She said smiling.
I moved my arm slowly grabbing the water.

"Thank you."
I said giving it back to her.
Right then the doctor came back in.

"Alright, these are all of the people who have checked in during the time that you've been in here."
He said showing me each page.
I paused at one of the names.
'Mitsuki Bakugo'
That's probably his mother.
Right under her name was 'Katsuki Bakugo' written in childish handwriting.
I smiled and pointed.
I said.
The doctor nodded and left the room again.

"Alright, if you need anything push this button on the remote alright?"
She showed me the remote and got up leaving.

I sighed and looked around.
There were flowers on the table next to me.
My father surely hadn't placed those there..

I then smiled.

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