Cha 13.) To See You

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(Bakugo's POV)

After an hour of thinking over everything I walked back out.
Where was my mom?
I took out my phone and called her.
"Hey, everything alright Katsuki?"
She asked.
"I.. I don't know what to do.."
I've never done this much before but.. I broke down, in front of my mom.
Well not literally.. But she was listening.
"What happened Katsuki? I'm sorry I left, I went to the store."
She said apologetically.
"M-Mom.. It's okay, I just.. I messed up. Can we talk when you get home?"
I asked.
"Yes, of course.."
I then hung up.
There would only be one reason..
One reason that would make sense.
I shook my head at the thought.

I shook my head at the thought

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"He couldn't have.. Planned on killing me right? That's just absurd!"
I yelled at myself.
He was so nice.. Yet so.. Distant.
Then again he was so.. Close?

I wiped my tears embarrassed.
How am I even gonna talk to him again!?
I don't want to lose him..
Not like I had with Izuku.
Not in anyway!

I heard a knock at the door.
I swung it open and my mom was there.
She ran in with the groceries and I went over to the car and took a bag.
I then closed the cars trunk.
I walked inside closing the door placing it on the counter.

She looked at me with pity.
We both went still.
"Oh Katsuki!"
She ran over to me with arms opened wide.
"It's alright.."
She comforted me wrapping her arms around my head.
"It's okay."
She said.
"I'm sorry mom.."
I hugged her tightly crying into her shoulder.
We stood there for a while and then we went on the couch.
I explained everything.
I told her that I wanted to fix it.

"Katsuki, I'm not sure.. He seems dangerous."
She said afraid.
"Yeah.. But he's dangerous not only to others.. But to himself too, and it's because of me."
I said holding my head down in shame.
"I'm.. Gonna make dinner. I think you should tell him how you feel. That you do care for him and that you've been feeling guilt since then.. Tell him that.. That you've changed."
She said smiling at me.
She then walked over into the kitchen.

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