Cha 11.) Too Close

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(Bakugo's POV)
We sat on a bench outside.
It was lunchtime and I took out my lunch.
"So.. Did anything happen after I left?"
I asked Kirishima.
He turned to me and widened his eyes.
"I mean.. Me and my father got into an argument.."
He said looking down.
"Hey.. You don't have to talk about it. Sorry for bringing it up."
He looked up and me and smiled.
"It's alright.."
After that we headed to our next class.
Nothing much happened and then we started to walk home.

"Wanna hang out at my house again?"
I asked as we walked out of the school.
"Oh, ehm.. Sure, just not as long this time."
He said.
We started to walk towards my house.
I looked to where we had encountered those kids the day before.
They were there but instead of hurting each other they were all playing nicely.
I smiled at the sight and so did Kirishima

We finally got to my house and I saw that my mom was home.
Her car was parked outside.

I opened the door and my mom was on the couch watching TV.
"Hey mom, this is.. Kirishima."
I said pointing to Kirishima.
She turned her head slowly and widened her eyes.
"Aw.. He's adorable."
She said smiling.
"I-I'm not adorable I'm.. I'm manly.."
He said crossing his arms.
I started to laugh and patted him on the shoulder.
"You're anything but manly dude."
We then walked to my room.

"So wanna do some homework?"
Kirishima asked.
"Sure, why not."
I said.
We got through every class fast except for Math.
Kirishima was kinda like a tutor in a way..
"Ok.. Then cube it."
He directed.
I cubed the number and then went on with the formula.
After I finished I turned the paper to him.
He shook his head.
"No.. That's wrong. Try again."
He said turning it back to me.
I redid the whole question again and turned it back towards Kirishima.
He took a while to analyze the work, he looked up to me and shook his head.
"You're doing this part backwards."
He pointed to one part of the formula.
"Oh.. My god.. I'm so dumb when it comes to Math.."
I said shaking my head.

Suddenly I felt a warmth on my hand.

"You're not dumb! Not with anything, you just need some help is all! Don't down yourself dude!"Kirishima yelled

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"You're not dumb! Not with anything, you just need some help is all! Don't down yourself dude!"
Kirishima yelled.
He noticed where he had placed his hand and quickly moved it away.
He turned away and he looked red.
Was he.. Blushing?
"Anyways.. Try agai-
"Nah, I give up.. I'll just as-
I heard my mother's voice.
"You guys seem like such great friends!"
My mom said on the verge of tears.
"M-Mom! Get out!"
I yelled trying to close the door on her.
"Oh come on! No one ever comes over!"
Finally I got the door closed.
I heard laughter coming from behind me.
"What are you laughing at!?"
I yelled.
He suddenly stopped laughing and looked nervous.
I realized I had made him scared and tried to calm him down.
"I.. I'm sorry. She stressed me out."
I sighed walking over to him.
"It's fine.."
He looked over to me and smiled.
I smiled back.

I sighed wanting to understand why..
Why it was that he.. Was nice to me.
I was done with waiting.
I was going to ask him.

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