Cha 15.) Unfulfilled Promise

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(Kirishima's POV)

After that we headed towards my house as my parents weren't home.
We kept glancing at each other.
I wanted to make it less awkward so I smiled at him.
He seemed confused by it so I turned away.
We kept quiet all the way to the house.

I unlocked the door and we walked in on a smashed plate.
"H-Hey.. What happened?"
Bakugo asked.
"My parents got into a fight."
I said embarrassed.
I then dragged him to the bathroom.
I could tell that he was confused about everything.
"So.. What happened to your face..?"
I asked while looking for a bandage.
"Oh, I got into a fight."
He said it without hesitation, as if it had to be done.
"Alright.. Does it hurt when I do this?"
I grabbed a towel and watered it cleaning his face.
"Not really."
He said with no expression.
I inhaled and exhaled.

"I'm really sorry Bakugo.."
I had guilt.. I tried to kill someone who was on my side.
He's been trying to help me.
He's been a good friend.

He grabbed my hand but then lowered it to my wrist.
"Don't be.."
He said with a smile.
Did he figure that that's why I became his friend.
I felt my stomach sink.
He lowered his hand.

I then started to cough.
"Hey, you alright!?"
He asked concerned.
I calmed myself down and started.
"Yeah, I'm fine.."
I then grabbed the bandage and put it on his face.
"Thank you Kirishima.."
I looked up at him and nodded.
We then left the bathroom to head to my room.
We sat on his bed and stayed quiet.
I turned to my room's clock and the time was 10AM.
"Bakugo, why did you treat Izuku the way you did?"
I asked without thinking, I just wanted to understand.
"I.. I thought.. I don't know.. It was horrible, I thought I was a god or something. I regret it all.. So much. You know that right?"
He moved his face closer to my face.
I nodded with hesitation.
"I know there's nothing I can really do to make it up to you.. but.. I really am trying to change."
He went quiet.
"Don't get into fights.. It.. Makes me worry."
I again said without thought.
It did.. Make me worry.
But then again, I WAS the one trying to kill him.

He moved a strand of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear.
I backed away and turned my head away from him.
"I-I'm sorry, it was just blocking your face.. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!"
He said putting his hand on my shoulder.
I turned back around I moved his hand off of my shoulder.
I don't know what was wrong with me, I just kept pushing him away.
He's changed.. But.. I'm being so cruel.
"So.. Was that all just a facade?"
He asked looking angry mixed with confusion.
"When you became friends with me?"
His face turned to an expression of hurt.
I stayed quiet.
"I don't know how I can help.. Maybe you just.. You just need time away from me."
He said heading for my door.
I was screaming 'no' but I then realised it was only in my head.
My voice stayed paralysed as he walked out.

He closed the door and I fell onto the floor sobbing.
I tried hugging myself but it gave me no comfort.
I was kicking and screaming.
I couldn't stop, I couldn't control myself.

I was breathing frantically and then I suddenly stopped.
I heard the door slam.
I turned to my clock and it was now 1PM.
I freaked out and tried wiping my tears but they kept going.
My dad opened the door and just stared at me.
His face turned into anger.
"So you were here all fuckin' day huh?"
He came closer to me and I edged against the wall.
"And you call yourself a man?"
He lifted my face and I closed my eyes.
He then slapped me shifting my face to the left.
He grabbed me by my and lifted me up.
"I want you out of the house.. NOW!"
He threw me towards my door and I got up frantically rushing outside.

Everything was going wrong.
My life is a mess..
I messed it all up.
I can't take it anymore.
Everyone that I cared about has been taken from me..
I wiped my tears and breathed in and out.

I went to a public park and sat at one of the benches.
I looked up and saw a familiar kid.
His expression blank and his hands by his side.
He looked down on me as if I had made an empty promise to him.
His freckles and then his green hair.
I fell off the bench and started to back away.
"I-I don't want to! I.. You're dead! I don't.. take orders from you! Leave me ALONE!"
I felt someone poke me.
I turned around looking down at a little girl.
"Are you alright? There's nobody there."
She pointed in the direction I had seen Izuku standing.
I turned around to see nothing.
I started to walked out of the park and then it turned into running.

I ran over to a nearby bridge.
I looked over it and there was water below.
There were people around so.. I'd have to make it quick.
The fall could possibly kill.. But I didn't exactly measure it.
I sighed and got up closing my eyes.
I'm sorry.. I couldn't fulfill my promise to you Izuku..
I heard screaming as I tilted forward.
Suddenly it was all a blurr..

Nothing but pain erupted.
I thought it would be at least a little more peaceful..

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