Cha 3.) His Hands

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(Kirishima's POV)

I fiddled with my fingers.
I didn't wanna introduce myself..
I didn't want anyone to recognise me from middle school.
No one would acknowledge me anyway..
I was the same as Izuku..
Just more stable I guess...
Though, I wasn't bullied by my childhood friend.
I was bullied by my crush.
It didn't matter anyways.
Soon this'll all be over.
"Alright, Ochako Uraraka!"
Our Sensei said holding a piece of paper.
The girl he called on jumped up smiling cheerfully.
I wish I could smile like her without faking it.
I looked to Bakugo who stared at me nervously.
"What's wrong?"
I whispered.
"I.. Some of these kids.. They used to be my friends.. But, they hate me.."
He said sternly taking his time to speak.
Of course they hate you, everyone does..
I pushed those thoughts from my mind to reassure him.
"It's okay Bakugo, I'm sure you what you did wasn't so bad!"
I smiled.

"I.. Never told you I did anything."
He said looking a bit tense. I couldn't tell if he was angry or scared.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I assumed!"
I yelled.
"Kirishima Ejiro, would you like to go next?"
I looked at the teacher sweating bullets.
Bakugo patted me on the back and I smiled at him.
I stood up slowly.
I looked around me.
I was at the center of the room.
Everyone was looking at me.
Bakugo whispered nudging me.
"Oh! Eh, I'm Kirishima Ejiro!"
I said smiling.
"Well obviously!"
Some guy said.
"Hey, shut up asshole!"
Bakugo yelled staring the guy down.
The guy went silent.
He knew of Bakugo's anger problems. The guy stared at Bakugo for a while.
He knew who he was.
I guess Bakugo really can't escape.
"Bakugo Katsuki! Detention!"
Sensei said sternly.
He yelled sitting down.
"Oh, that's right, you're that killer!"
The guy in back smirked.
He didn't just realise that.
He just wanted to get on Bakugo's last nerve.
Bakugo stood up and swung his fist.
I quickly got up and went in front.
You've gotta make your victim feel bad to lear them in.
I fell to the ground and covered my face.
He yelled.
"BAKUGO KATSUKI, if you don't take him to the  Nurse's Office right now you'll serve more than just a weeks detention!"
Bakugo looked at me with pity.
He helped me up and we walked into the hallway.
"Why would you do that?"
He said sounding sad.
Honey catches more flies than vinegar Bakugo.
"I didn't want you to get into fight.."
I said grinding my teeth through my lies.
Bakugo looked at me trying to smile.
"I'm sorry Kirishima.. But I.. Don't want it hurt you.. I just ruin people."
But, he already has hurt me.
At least he sees that he ruins people.
Does he feel guilt?
"Bakugo, you don't ruin people! That barely hurt anyway, I've been through worse!"
I said smiling.
It actually did hurt but I had to make him feel comfortable around me.
He stopped walking and smiled at me.
"Why are you so nice? I don't deserve this.."
He said changing his expression from happy to angry.
"This is your second chance! Maybe I could help! You can learn from your mistakes.."
There are no second chances.
Not in this world.
At least there are none left for someone like you.

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