Cha 12.) Realization

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(Kirishima's POV)

My feeling's were all over the place.
I found myself heating up every time I got close to Bakugo.
Something happened this morning.
I don't care if my father thinks being gay isn't manly.
I'm also starting to realize that.. Bakugo has changed and so have I.
He helped me change for the better.
As all of this was coming to me Bakugo turned his paper over again for me to check it.
"Hey, you got it right!"
I yelled with glee.
"Yeah.. Uhm.."
He seemed bothered by something.
"What is it..?"
I asked.

"Why.. Are you friends with me?"

This question came out of no where.
I paused.
"In middle school I.. Bullied you."
He mumbled.
He remembered!?
He knew who I was?
"And I got your best friend killed.."
I started to fidget.
"I need to go.."
I mumbled and got up.
He called out but I was already running out.
Suddenly I felt him tug onto my arm.
I pulled away and grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawers.

I pulled away and grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawers

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I pointed it to him and his eyes went wide.
"L-Let me leave.."
I said shaking.
Bakugo looked as if he had just realized something and started to walk to his room with a sorrowful expression on his face.
I dropped the knife as I had just realized what I had done and ran out of the house.

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