Cha 7.) Freak Out

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(Kirishima's POV)

He told me to sit down on the couch and he walked off into his room.
I did so.
I sat silently watching the clock on the wall tik.. I pulled out the knife slowly.
Tik Tik..Over and over again.
Why was I getting flash backs of what happened!?
Why now?

I had a grip on the knife and without realizing it I had cut myself multiple times all over my hand.
My blood was all over.
I whispered anxiously shaking.

I put my knife under one of the cushions of the couch and went in search for the bathroom.
I had finally found it, I grabbed a towel from it and ran back to the couch with blood stains all over..

God.. How did this happen so fast?
I was rubbing the towel up against the couch over and over again but it wasn't working.
I started to freak out and tears were streaming down my cheeks.
"Cl-Clean! JUST CLEAN! Ple-Please!"
Then I tensed up.

Someone had their hand on my shoulder.
I turned to see Bakugo.
"Wh-What happened?"
He asked concerned.
"It's okay.."
He said calmly.

He grabbed my wrist and walked to the kitchen sink.
He cleaned my hands under the water.
The pain was unbearable..
"These are deep cuts.. Do you have something.. Sharp with you?"
Bakugo asked looking me straight in the eyes.
I didn't respond.

I only looked at my hands.
There was movement..
I thought he was going to hit me but instead
He hugged me.
"It's okay."
He said again calmly.
I finally hugged back and we stayed there for a while.

We allowed the water to keep running as it made the silence less uncomfortable.
Then I pulled away remembering why I was here in the first place.
I turned off the faucet and Bakugo ran to the other room.

I looked at my hands in disappointment.
He then came back with bandages.
In silence he wrapped them around my hands.
After he was finished he looked me in the eyes and tried to smile.
I did the same.

"Thank you Bakugo."
I said quietly.
"No problem, wanna hang out in my room? I just tidied it up."
He asked.

He then again held onto my wrist.
As if I'd disappear if he didn't.
We sat on his bed and talked for a while.

We sat on his bed and talked for a while

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I had a knife.. But I didn't hurt him..

I don't have the want or the need to anymore.
I'm sorry Izuku.

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