Cha 5.) The What Ifs

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(Kirishima's POV)

We were walking down the sidewalk to Bakugo's house what if I just tackled him now and stabbed him with the knife in my pocket?
I looked around nervously.
There were people out.
Kids fighting with each other..
They reminded me of middle school.
Then Bakugo stopped walking which led to me bumping into him.
When I got up from the ground I noticed Bakugo walking towards  the kids who were fighting. One of the kids had pushed another kid to the ground yelling at him telling him he was useless.

Bakugo helped the kid up and he ran off crying.
Then Bakugo turned to the kid who had pushed him.
I just watched in awe.
"You don't want to do that. It'll bite you in the ass when you get older you brat."
Bakugo said sternly.
The kid stared at him smirking.
"Nothing's ever gonna get me! You're ju-
Bakugo grabbed the kid by his shoulders and stared at him intensely causing the boy to start crying.
I ran over and Bakugo let go of the boy.
The boy looked at me afraid.
I kneeled down and the boy backed up.
"It's okay, he just doesn't want you to hurt someone because if something very bad happens to that person because of you.. Wouldn't you say you'd feel a horrible regret?"
I asked him calmly.
The boy said wiping his tears.
Bakugo looked at me wide eyed.
"Alright, now go apologize okay?"
The boy looked down.
"He won't forgive me.."
He wined in doubt.
"You don't know until you try and it's always worth it to try."
I smiled.
The boy started laughing at me.
The boy touched my cheeks.
"You look like a shark."
The boy said smiling.
"That's because I am, and if you don't go say sorry this shark shall eat you!"
I said laughing and the kid ran off smiling to the other kid who sat on the sidewalk pitying his scraped knee.
"How did you.."
"Bakugo, you've just gotta come off nicer.. You.. Can scare people sometimes."
I said getting up.
Bakugo looked at me looking sad.
He started walking again and I hugged him without thinking.
I wasn't using my head.
But.. I guess it helps?
I just don't want to start liking him again.
He fell and we both rolled down to the field beside the sidewalk.
I turned to Bakugo who wasn't moving.
I started to shove him getting nervous.
"B-Bakugo? Are you okay!?"
I panicked.
Then I heard a quiet laugh.
Then I saw Bakugo getting up slowly.
I didn't notice but I had gotten all teary eyed.
I quickly wiped them and as I was doing so Bakugo stopped laughing and lowered my hands.
"I'm.. Sorry.. I tend to be careless."
He said looking me in the eyes, concerned.
"It's fine.. I tend to be too sensitive..."
I said smiling.
Why was I worried for him!?
Bakugo slowly got up and reached his hand out for me.
I grabbed onto it still smiling.
He turned away.
He felt regret, even after I told him it was okay.
He held my hand until we got back onto the sidewalk.
He had a grip on it but as soon as i held his hand back he let go and started to walk faster than me.
I laughed and sped up.
We eventually started racing each other with him winning as even if I had ran faster I wouldn't know where to go.
We were both out of breath and both a sweaty mess.
He then grabbed a key from under the mat next to the door and unlocked the door.
What a fool.

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