18 | cuddles

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3:47 am

jisung sat on the end of his bed, staring at the door. his bottom lip was drawn between his teeth and his cheeks were puffed out like a squirrel with food stuffed in its mouth. his arms were wrapped tight around his knees and minho's fuzzy, purple, cat-hair covered blanket was wrapped around his shoulders yet again.

as weird as it was to admit, he really didn't want to give minho his blanket back.

it was a really fucking comfortable blanket.

and it smelled good.

minus the cat smell.

it smelled like febreze —

jisung nearly fell off the bed when three loud knocks pounded on his door, a familiar, muffled voice calling, "let me in, sunshine! i got food and i'm supposed to cuddle you. if i don't felix will steal my cats!"

jisung quickly jumped up off the bed, waddling over to the door. he yanked it open, grabbing minho's arm and pulling him inside. he quickly pulled the door closed behind him, eyes wide. "could you be any louder? you're gonna wake up the whole floor."

minho scoffed, setting down the three boxes of food and two bottles of coke on top of jisung's unmade bed. "oh please, you really think anyone went back to bed after the fire alarm went off? everyone's probably still up making tik tok's about it or posting on their snapchat stories."

jisung couldn't help the small laugh that escaped his lips. "you really just called out all of gen z."

"yes i did." minho smirked, plopping himself down on jisung's bed beside the food an twising the cap off of one of the coke bottles. he held it out for jisung as his eyes wandered the room, brow furrowing when he noticed the lack of a third presence. "don't you have a roommate?"

jisung shrugged and crawled onto the end of the bed, legs crossed beneath him as he cuddled further into the blanket. "i'm supposed to. but he's rarely here. his girlfriend has an apartment like five minutes away from campus, so he spends most of his nights there. i'm not complaining, though. it's nice to have the room to myself."

minho nodded. "sounds fun. my roommate doesn't like cats, so soongi, doongi, and dori have to stay with my parents." minho's eyes raked jisung's small form, an eyebrow raised. "have you taken that blanket off since i dropped you off here earlier?"

jisung's cheeks flushed a bright red, and he averted his eyes. "obviously. does it look like i'm still naked to you?"

minho took in the sight of jisung in a pair of loose basketball shorts and a sleeveless hoodie, then smirked, looking away and taking a sip of his own coke. "i like you better naked, i think."

jisung lunged a pillow at his head, but all he received in return was minho's laughter. "i'm kidding, jisung. and you can keep the blanket, if you want. i have plenty more."

jisung didn't respond, instead shuffling over to the food boxes. he opened up the pizza box and grabbed a slice, folding it in half and biting off the tip.

minho watched him, the tiniest of smiles on his lips. he looks like a squirrel, he thought, then grabbed a slice for himself.

the pair sat there for a bit before deciding to watch a movie, and made themselves comfortable in jisung's bed, jisung's laptop settled on minho's lap. as time went on, and the amount of pizza slices, cheesy fries, and garlic knots in the boxes dwindled, jisung's head got closer and closer to minho's shoulder, until he passed out on top of him.

and minho got a boner.

i was feeling soft

pervy weirdo and the bathroom guy | minsung text au | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now