48 | burgundy purse

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11:32 am

"alright, so we got the strawberries, cream cheese, and graham crackers." jisung placed the third carton of strawberries into the bottom of the shopping cart, then turned toward minho. "anything else on the list that we need?"

minho scrutinized the shopping list they prepared in the car after watching the cringefest of a video felix sent him six more times. they only needed three items, that was it. three... simple... items. minho peered over the handlebars and into the basket of the cart, frowning. "how did we go from three things to thirty?"

jisung fell short, gaping down at the full shopping cart. "to be honest with you, i don't know. i don't even remember grabbing most of this stuff."

minho rolled his eyes and sighed. "whatever. just don't make me pay for it all—"

minho was cut off when he felt something smack him hard in the middle of the back.

"what the hell—?" when he turned around to face the idiot that had bumped into him, he was surprised to find a little old lady glaring up at him, brandishing her burgundy purse like a weapon.

"you hooligans stole my shopping cart!"

11:43 am

"i can't believe we stole a poor old lady's shopping cart." minho slammed his head down on the steering wheel of his car, fumbling to shove his key into the ignition.

jisung slumped down in his seat, staring out the front window with wide eyes. "i can't believe you got into it with an old lady — you tore off her fricking weave, man!"

minho sat back up in his seat, turning to jisung with a pout. "she hit me first, sungie."

jisung gaped at him. "we stole her shopping cart! you're lucky that's all she did!" jisung's exasperated expression fell into a frown. "and now we can't even make the strawberry cheesecake bites."

minho shook his head and patted jisung's thigh, smirking. "yeah, but think of it this way; in thirty years, we'll look back on this moment and laugh."

"but the strawberry cheesecake bites, hyung."

minho sighed, yet again. "we'll make them someday, sungie. maybe next time we visit. or maybe we can use the kitchen at school."

"fine," jisung pouted. "but no cuddles for the rest of the day."

"now you're just being cruel."

jisung stuck his tongue out at him.

12:12 pm

they hadn't even been inside the house for twenty minutes when minho had a mini heart attack - a shout from the upstairs bathroom.

minho turned off the kitchen sink and bolted to the bottom of the steps and yelled, "jisung? you alright?"

"yeah, 'm fine! i saw a wad of hair and thought it was a spider!"

"what the fuck is it with you and bathrooms?" minho stared up at the ceiling with a blank glare, the turned on his heel and marched back to the kitchen, grumbling the whole way.

1:34 pm

the "no cuddles" threat didnt last very long. when minho's dad got home that day, he found jisung and minho on the porch swing on the back deck, jisung cuddled up on minho's lap. the pair were sleeping like babies, jisung's face buried in minho's neck with his legs pulled up to his chest, and minho's arms were wrapped around him, hands folded beneath jisung's butt, keeping his from falling off of his legs and onto the ground.

mr lee couldn't keep a smile off of his face; he knew minho had finally found someone to love. all he and mrs lee had to do was wait for the pair to officially tell them theirselves.

mr lee softly walked up behind them, and tapped minho on the shoulder. minho's head lifted from its spot on top of jisung's, and he looked up at his father with foggy eyes. "wassup?"

mr lee chuckled softly. "your mother and i will be out for a while tonight — something about her friends wanting to get together with "the husbands." we shouldn't be back any earlier than one."

minho nodded, ready to lie his head back onto jisung's and continue his nap. but mr lee tapped his shoulder again, and whispered into his ear, "don't be too loud, okay? we have neighbors."

what if i made a stray kids suicide squad au? or maybe a jumanji au??

pervy weirdo and the bathroom guy | minsung text au | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now