49 | ♙ | mini paper umbrella

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i think i got a little carried away
basically minho's kinky and jisung realizes he's into it


neither minho or jisung knew how to cook. their skills consisted of pouring cereal and milk into a bowl and calling it a gourmet meal. for an extra little touch, a mini paper umbrella in their glasses of water. when they put their heads together, they managed to cook a frozen pizza without setting anything on fire, and that was their dinner.

cereal, pizza, and water with mini paper umbrellas.

jisung picked up a slice of pizza and watched as the cheese slid off and and onto the pan with a little plop. "this is so pathetic. did we cook it long enough?"

minho dug the box out of the trash, flipping it around a few times to find the instructions. "yeah, it said twenty-five to twenty-eight minutes. we even did thirty, just to be safe."

jisung scoffed and poked the center of his slice of pizza. "then why is the crust still cold?"

minho looked at the stove, then back to the box. back to the stove, back to the box— he smacked his forehead with the box. "we forgot to change the temperature!"

jisung felt a cat rub up against his leg. "i hate to waste food, but there is no way i'm eating this shit. can cats eat pizza?"

minho looked down at the cat lying on jisung's feet, and frowned. "don't know, but i'm not risking it."

they had cereal and water with mini paper umbrellas for dinner that night.

seated at opposite ends of the table, jisung and minho were mainly silent as they ate their cereal. up until minho looked away from his phone and said, "you wanna know what my dad said to me earlier?"

jisung, too, looked away from his phone, attention fully grabbed. "that he regrets impregnating your mother?"

"you're so funny," minho said, face expressionless.

jisung smirked at him. "i try."

"anyway," minho sighed. "you wanna know what my dad actually said to me earlier?"

deciding to humor him, jisung nodded. "what did he say, hyung?"

"he said they shouldn't be home any earlier than one." minho smirked. "and he also said, and i quote, "don't be too loud, okay? we have neighbors."

jisung choked on his water with a mini paper umbrella, gaping at minho with wide eyes and drool dribbling down his chin. "no he didn't."

minho grinned. "oh, but he did. he practically gave us permission to fuck while they were gone — not that we'd need it, anyway — and you know what i was thinking?"

"i don't think i want to know what you were thinking."

"i was thinking that we don't have any bathtubs back at school, and maybe we should make the most of mine while we're here?"

jisung started at minho blankly, spoon lifted halfway to his mouth with soggy cereal. "are you implying that we should have sex in your bathtub?"

pervy weirdo and the bathroom guy | minsung text au | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now