The Horseman

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I was taken to a different entrance where my bags and belongings were searched. These guys might be dangerous, but to me, they're rookies. My car was searched and my body, but I have my own ways of hiding things. My case has its own magnetic slots to throw off the best of technology.

The old man fears me, but whatever he fears in me, he fears what's inside these walls more. He is at my mercy, and I have nothing to lose. There's only a small chance I'll be let out of this life alive, so why worry about what's out of my control?

The way the men were murdered, shook these families to the core. Their delivery was even better, dropped from an aircraft they couldn't see or hear, right in the middle of their compounds. To them, a ghost made the delivery of what little was left of their men. These were not innocent men, they were the worst of the worst. The kind that would hurt a child and get off on it, so there's no guilt weighing on me. It took teams of men and a few years of planning to fool these families, then we got the call. A call from a desperate man trying to find a way out of a life he never wanted.

Ravello's right-hand man supervised as I was secured, then introduced himself as Isaac. Nobody but the old man knows who I am, so I listened as I was given the rundown of the rules Ravello put into place for all of his men.

"Never enter the third floor. That is heavily guarded for the safety of Sal and his family." He said.

That's the first place I plan to check out.

"Do not speak to his children, even if they try to speak to you. His oldest daughter is not for your eyes, do not look at the girl, no matter how tempted you might be. She will tempt you, but do not fall for it." He said as he walked me through a hall on the lowest level deep underground beneath the fortress. There are glass walls with cells, already holding low life's from this world.

He used his handprint to take me into an office area.

"He wants you to have high-level access, I'm not sure why, but we will have to get you set up." He said as he walked into a smaller office area and shut the door.

"There are camera's everywhere, along with high tech listening devices. I'll show you the command center after we go through the rules." He said as he sat down behind a glass desk and gestured for me to take a seat.

We both sat and he stared at me for just a moment. "Do you have tattoos or any distinguishing marks?" He asked.

"No," I answered, and he nodded. I have scars, but it doesn't matter.

"Good, they won't have to be removed." He said.

Hell, I don't even have fingerprints. Short of DNA, I'm nobody.

He went through a very long list of rules that won't pertain to me, but the less he knows, the better. The informant doesn't even know he set things up just perfectly for me.

"I understand Sal has you here under some kind of secret job. I'm not sure your business here, but all rules apply." He said.

He gave me a tour of where I am allowed to go, including their headquarters that's filled with technology, and people I suspect that must have learned from the same places I learned. They're traitors, and will be dealt with appropriately.

I am part of a very elite and small group of agents. We are called, 'The Four Horsemen,' and I've only ever spoken to one other who is my handler. Teams know about us, but we've never been identified. When we go on missions with the teams, they think I'm in command, but have no idea I'm part of a legend. Four people who do not exist, but they fear us either way. I'm 29 years old, and I've seen and done more than many other men. We don't even know who gives us orders, we just comply.

I was shown to my quarters, and I believe it's a few steps up from the other men. Ravello has taken my warnings seriously by giving me the highest security clearance.

Isaac told me about dinner and said I was expected at seven sharp, but left with one last warning.

"Avoid Mrs. Ravello at all costs. She will see your death before Sal has a chance to give it a second thought. Don't let her feminine qualities fool you, and do not let her into your quarters. The man before me fucked her, then didn't leave his place alive." He said.

He shut the door and I did a thorough sweep of my room. I found every camera and bug, but left them. I will give Ravello a warning before they are removed. This man must have me in his home for a reason, other than the informant. I believe he is testing my loyalty.

The home is large, but I have no problem familiarizing myself with my surroundings. I made it to a very large dining room and was surprised how many people came for dinner. There were several women, which I wasn't expecting.

"Wow, Sal has really gone out of his way to bring us one with looks this time." I heard a women's voice, then looked up and saw a hell of a figure on a blond woman in a dress simpler than I thought was allowed.

I ignored the woman as she stood far too close and ran her hand up my chest. "We could have a lot of fun later." She said.

A man in a black suit announced, "Dinner is served," before everyone took their seat, leaving five empty chairs at the end of the table. The touchy woman sat next to me, but she was easy to ignore. Women like her have never interested me.

We sat as the wine was poured into our glasses. Suddenly the double doors opened and everyone stood. I turned my head to look in the direction of the family as they walked into the room, but it was a mistake. What I saw took my breath away, and a distraction is not what I need at the moment. Jet black hair that laid long against her back, with the most striking blue eyes I ever saw. She's conservative in a dress that appropriately covered her beautiful body. I made sure to look, but not making it obvious.

I then looked at the beautiful older woman on Sal's arm. There's no wonder why Sal's daughter is so beautiful; his wife is stunning.

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