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As time goes on, I am becoming more and more suspicious of Sylvia. The looks she gives, not just me, but her daughter, are obviously not one of a loving mother.

Sal gave something to Danica that she hasn't yet shared with me, but it's my business to know everything. I need to be able to trust Danica, but I'm not sure how such an innocent girl could mean much harm to me. I decided to let it go until she tells me.

It's been two days since the wedding. We had to switch apartments so the kitchen could be rebuilt, and I've been sneaking around as much as possible. I located the man with the scarred face, and Danica was right, this man looks like what nightmares are made of with a face that shows many years of abuse.

I didn't tell him I knew who he was, but at least now I have my personal enemy pinpointed. I slipped into Sylvia and Sal's bedroom to see more, and it's not what I expected. It seems there are two bedrooms and two bathrooms behind that one door. I learned they both sleep with guns and Sylvia has many secrets of her own.

Sex toys, handcuffs, whips, anal beads, and whatever else is needed for some BDSM fun. There's a closet stocked full of guns and ammunition along with a very large safe. I watched my cameras on my phone, being careful not to get caught and cracked the safe. Inside, I found information on Manducci, it seems he was a target or an accomplice.

I also found file after file of information about the Mexican drug cartels. I took photos of everything. She must be a sadist, judging from some of the photos I found of naked men tied up, beaten, and some even dead.

I put everything back in its place, then shut the safe and went to Sal's room. I can't say his was much better, but at least he doesn't keep photos. Most of his were domestic and centered on other families here in the States. I took photos, then placed everything back in the right spots before leaving their rooms.

Lark was in his room, so that was a no go, but Isaac was another story. I searched his room and found more information on the Mexican drug cartels. It seems he and Sylvia are working together. I placed cameras in all three rooms, then went back to the apartment to check on Danica.

When I arrived, she was reading a cookbook, which I found adorable. I watched her on camera today, but she spent most of her day at the pool. I'm not sure what's came over me, but I keep finding myself taking screenshots when she does something cute. I do wish we were living in a different world. She is still in her bikini with her sheer cover hanging loose. She's been driving me insane since her father let her order a shit ton of clothes on his account.

"Are you ready to cook?" I asked.

She nodded. "Maybe with supervision." She snorted, which made me chuckle.

Her mother has been on us about coming to dinner, but Sal insists we treat this week like a honeymoon. He is really putting on the pressure for us to get pregnant. I've reminded him it takes time, just to satisfy him, but he never lets up about it.

"What do we feel like making?" I asked as she stood next to me.

"What's easy, I'm hungry." She said.

I looked over what we have in the freezer and the fridge. "We need to send a grocery list to the kitchen," I said as I rooted through what is available.

"What about just a salad?" She asked.

I shrugged. "We could make some chicken to put in it." I reached in and grabbed the chicken breasts.

"Frying pans scare me now." She said, I chuckled.

"I bet they do, but you better get over it," I said as I put olive oil in the pan.

I continued to cook and she pulled herself up on the counter and sat, watching my every move.

"Find anything new today?" She asked. I'm not about to tell her what I found. I doubt she wants to know about her parent's sex lives.

"It seems like Isaac and your mother spend a lot of time together. It seems they have their own projects." I said as I pulled vegetables out of the fridge.

"I've said it before, my mother should be feared more than my father. He was raised in this life, but my mother chose it. She's sadistic and power-hungry." She said.

"Why don't you help me chop?" I asked, and she smiled before she jumped down.

"You really trust me with a knife?" She asked with amusement to her tone.

I shrugged. "It's your fingers, not mine." I slid her vegetables a good distance from mine and she laughed.

"What about Simon?" She asked as she watched me cut vegetables and did her best to mimic me.

"I'll keep an eye on him," I said.

"Umm...I hope you keep a better eye on him than you are that chicken." She said, and I quickly dropped my knife and jumped over to the stove.

"You make it hard to concentrate," I said as I flipped the chicken in the pan.

She just looked over at me and smiled, then looked back down to the vegetables without saying anything.

"You do know the men are starting to look at you more," I said, then turned down the temperature of the stove.

She shrugged. "At least someone's looking at me." She said.

I walked back to the vegetables and couldn't help myself. I slapped her ass and she yelped before laughing and throwing a broccoli stem at me.

"I never said I was blind," I said.

She has an incredible body, and each day gets harder and harder to fight my temptations.

From Leather To Lace (A Completed Steamy Romance)Where stories live. Discover now