The Boys

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I do not under any circumstances recommend living with two CIA agents in the middle of nowhere for two months. I have learned more about men than I care to know. They even argue over enough quiet time to jerk off. I've teased them enough about taking care of each other's problems, and now they won't even sit on the same couch together.

It's like having two children. I am thankful they agreed not to leave today. They said I'm out of protective custody today and I'm not sure where to go. Do I hop on a plane for Oklahoma? They agreed to help me find Lane, then argued which one of them got to go out or stay with me tonight. They really need to let off some steam.

I hope Lane hasn't needed to let off steam and he knows I still want him. The guys won't say much about him, so I'm left to my own thoughts.

Axl has confessed that he feels attracted to me, but it's not the same for me. I know these guys better than my own husband, but that doesn't mean I want him any less. Actually, the need I have for him grows every single day.

Sometimes I spend hours looking out the window for him, and other times I look up at the stars and wonder if he's looking at them too. The sky is so big out here and very clear. The lights of the city drowned out the stars so much in Chicago, that I've never really seen the stars. Not like this anyway.

The first night we were here, Axl took me outside and pointed certain stars out and told me stories. Ever since that night, we go outside and he tells me all kinds of stories. He paints a picture of foreign cities and different people he has met over the years. He told me what it's like to ride a roller coaster and ice skate at Central Park in New York City.

Hawk tells me stories too, but those aren't ones I plan to remember. They mostly include happy endings and not the kind you read in books. I did learn how to cook, Hawk showed me, and now I make three meals a day. I'm not even scared to experiment with recipes now.

They danced with me, hiked with me, and even drove me into town once, but I had to disguise myself, and we only went to the library and to the grocery.

They introduced me to Porn Hub, unfortunately, and I introduced them to my soap operas. Now they even argue whether Angelica killed Clyde or if Paige is faking her pregnancy. It's a never-ending battle, but it's better than the compound. I deal with seclusion much better than the boys.

I wrapped up with my blanket and a book on the front porch. They guys are chopping wood for the fireplace since it's getting colder. I have a pot roast in the oven, so I need to stay close to the cabin.

"Get her inside." I heard Axl say, then Hawk ran up and pulled me into his arms quickly.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he took me to my bedroom and told me to stay down.

"There's a car coming." He said.

"I didn't hear a car," I said as he held up one finger to tell me to be quiet.

"I want to see," I said, but he told me to stay back.

"Axl will handle it." He said as he watched out the window.

I watched him closely as I heard the car. He already had a gun drawn, and I didn't even know he was carrying one. His gun started to lower and a smile formed on his face.

"Well slap my ass and call me Sally, take a look." He said as he put his gun away.

I inched over next to him and peeked out the window.

"Lane," I muttered in a whisper and ran to the front door, but paused. What if he's here to say goodbye? I took a deep breath and counted to three before turning the handle. Slowly I opened it and took a step outside. Axl was saluting him, then he turned his head and looked at me. He shoved his hand in his pockets and I was frozen.

Come on Lane, give me one sign you're happy to see me. My thoughts begged him to give any kind of sign. My God, he is a gorgeous man.

My heart is pounding against my chest and I can barely breathe. A smile crept up on his face and he took a few steps closer. He pulled his hand out and held it up to show me his wedding band is still on his finger and I felt my excitement grow. I held mine up to show him mine before I ran off the porch and straight into his arms.

His arms wrapped around me and lifted me up and swung me around. I held on to him tightly until he set me down and cupped my face. "Are you okay?" He asked as he studied my eyes. I smiled and nodded my head before I pulled him down to kiss me. He did, and it felt familiar and exciting at the same time. I never want him to let go, but he did and made me look at him.

"Do you still want this, Danica?" He asked.

"More than anything." I started crying and he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

"Thank God." He said before he kissed me again. He kissed from my lips, to my cheeks, then my head, before he hugged me tightly. I'm taking in everything from his scent, to his touch. I closed my eyes and just let it all soak in.

"At ease boys, I'm officially retired." He said, and I looked to see both dumb and dumber saluting my husband. I looked up to see him smiling ear to ear before looking down at me.

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