You Win

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He got in the shower, so I decided it's a good time to talk.

"How did you know?" I asked as I put the toilet lid down and sat.

"What the hell?" He popped his head out of the shower. "I didn't leave the door open for you to come in here." He said.

"I just figured it was a good time to talk," I said.

"Now? How would you like it if I just walked in while you were showering?" He paused. "Nevermind, don't answer that." He disappeared behind the glass door. I can't say I'm not enjoying his silhouette behind the frosty glass.

"Anyway, how did you know something was wrong?" I asked.

"I just felt it." He said.

"Seriously, you had to have seen something," I said.

"I saw a suspicious car and found it odd your father's men didn't say anything. I read their behavior and got it right." He paused. "I also received a tip." He said.

"Who were they?" I asked.

"Manducci's men." He answered.

"Will it always be like this, Dash? Will I always have to live this way?" I asked, and he turned off the shower and opened the door just enough to reach for his towel.

"I hope not, once your family is no longer in power, they won't have a reason to bother with you." He said, then opened the shower door.

Oh my...

"Don't look at me like that, Danica." He said.

I smiled. "Like what?" I asked as I looked him up and down. He's only in a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Like you're about to pounce." He said.

I stood. "It's my turn to shower," I said, and he walked out of the room.

"I saw you looking at me earlier." I reminded him, but he didn't answer. I got a shower and I kept yelling out to see if he was still there, and he answered yes each time.

I got out and wrapped my towel around my body, then towel dried my hair and walked out into my bedroom. He was sitting on the couch in just his sweats, and I sat down on my bed. I guess he's looking at something on his phone.

"What are you scared of, Dash?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I'm not sure anymore." He said.

"Will you sleep in here with me tonight?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll stay here on the sofa." He said.

"Thank you," I said, then got up and changed in the bathroom, putting on the pajamas I had on earlier.

"What are you most scared of?" He asked as I climbed into the bed.

"Dying before I ever got to live," I said, and reached over to turn off my light.

I tossed and turned. After what happened tonight, I'm just too wired.

"Dash?" I called out.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Will you hold me?" I asked.

He paused before answering. "Not in bed." He said, so I climbed out of the bed and walked over to him. He sat up, so I surprised him by flipping on the light and sitting on his lap.

"Danica." He said in a disapproving tone.

"You're my husband, Dash. I could have died tonight, and it was my first time out on the town." I said as I got off his lap then sat straddling him.

"This isn't right." He said, and I'm tired of hearing it, so I looked down at him and we locked eyes.

"Dan.." I placed my finger over his lips and he just looked up at me.

"It's time, Dash." I removed my finger and cupped his face as I lowered my head, but he surprised me when he grabbed the back of my head and slammed his lips against mine. His mouth opened and his tongue brushed against mine. He made that move several more times, when I noticed it's not just his breathing that changed, but mine too.

He pulled back and cupped my face. "Fuck it, you win." He said, just before kissing me again. His hands lowered and roamed down my back just before he squeezed my ass. He pulled me closer against him and I felt myself rub against something hard. I should be scared, but I'm never safer than I am when I'm in his arms.

He guided my hips back and forth as I rubbed against him. I moaned, then he moaned and took a deep breath through his nose, his kiss became desperate. His lips left mine and trailed across my cheek to my neck as I kept rocking my hips against him. His lips left my skin and he pulled my pajama top off and threw it on the floor, before he pulled my head down to kiss him again.

I felt him squeeze my breast and I took in a sharp breath. He bucked his hips and I could feel the hardness even more than before and he moaned, but stopped and pulled my face back.

"You're sure?" He asked as those green eyes looked up at me.

"Yes, please?" I begged, then suddenly I'm swung around and my back landed on the sofa with him on top of me. He moved the hair out of my face and looked at me for just a moment before he kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around him and felt him push against me with his hardness again.

His lips once again left mine, but this time, they made their way down to my chest and I felt him suck my nipple, then tug on it with his teeth. I gasped at the sensation, but I need more. My hips are still moving although they're not even touching his hardness any longer.

He looked up at me, then stood up, leaving me feeling abandoned.

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