Eyes Wide Open

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Dash A.K.A. Lane

I swooped her up and took two steps at a time upstairs as she laughed. I love her laugh, it's soft, yet funny. I haven't felt this amazing since the summer before I left for the Navy.

I sat her down on her feet and started the shower. When I turned around, she already had those sexy as hell pajamas off. Damn, she's got an amazing body.

"Your turn." She said, and watched as I quickly took off my sweats. Her eyes grew large and she smiled as she studied me. She walked over and ran her fingers gently over my scars.

"That's from my appendix from when I was twelve," I said, and she looked up and smiled before finding the one just above it.

"Stab wound, but missed anything important," I said, and she lost her smile before running her fingers over the one on my arm. "Just a graze from a bullet," I said. She went over all seven, and I named them off one by one, before she took both of my hands and pulled me under the hot water of the shower.

I took the soapy sponge and took my time running it over every square inch of her body, while she washed her hair. The foamy shampoo followed the sponge down her body as I found not one imperfection. Other than a few freckles that were placed perfectly on her soft skin, and I found them to be absolutely perfect. The water flowed over every curve of her perfect body as I studied every single inch of her.

Then it was her turn, and we traded spots. I shampooed while she studied every inch of me, and I almost died when she gave the tip of my hardness a little kiss, then moved all the way down to my toes.

I pulled her up to her feet and gave her one hell of a kiss before shutting off the water and towel drying her body, then throwing the towel on the floor. After she dried me off, we stepped out of the shower and I lifted her up. Her arms wrapped around me and so did her legs.

I couldn't get her out of that bathroom quick enough, and she laughed when I dropped her on to the bed. She let me trail kisses down her stomach until I reached her sweet spot and I threw her legs over my shoulders and kneeled down on the carpet. I knew she would taste sweet, and her moans tasted even sweeter.

I loved the way her fingers ran through my wet hair, then when I stuck my finger inside of her to feel the silky walls, she took in a sharp breath and gripped on to my hair. I love the way her body reacts to my touch as my tongue teased her nub, then I added another finger.

"Lane." She whispered out as her hips started moving with each stroke of my fingers. I looked up as I continued to taste her, and her head was lifted as she tried to watch. I gave her a wink and her head fell back against the pillow. Her moans are more beautiful than any song I have ever heard.

"Lane, please." She begged for more, but I'm not ready to stop. My fingers worked faster and her breathing became labored, as my real name danced around the room, reminding me of a guy I liked a whole lot better than the guy I am today.

"Oh my God!" Both of her hands held on to my head as her stomach tightened and she started crying out my name again. Her taste is like a drug, causing adrenaline to rush through my veins, motivating me to give her more. She's coming so hard, I'm shocked, since she's just now getting in tune with her own sexual desires now that she's finally experienced a man's touch.

I looked up to watch as my tongue kept working. She's gorgeous, especially while she's saying my name over and over again. Her grip on my hair loosened and she started to relax. As she tried to catch her breath, I stood, then pushed her further onto the bed, climbing on top of her, her legs instinctively wrapping around me.

The moment I laid my lips on hers, I opened my mouth wide to give her the deepest kiss possible. Her hands ran across the skin on my shoulders, but when I quickly slid inside her, she held on to me a little tighter and took in a sharp breath.

I lifted my head. "Are you okay?" I paused and looked down at her.

"No more pain, don't hold back." She said.

I take orders seriously, so if the misses says don't hold back, I won't. I leaned on my elbows and my hands cupped her face as my hips moved faster and deeper inside her warmth. My forehead rested against hers as her hands are holding on to my wrists.

"I'm all yours," I whispered, just as her hips moved in sync with mine. Our breathing is rapid, her moans are beautiful, and her warmth welcomes me as I drive in and out of her with a fever.

She lifted her head and kissed me, just before I flipped us around so she's on top of me. My hands guided her hips back and forth as she sat straight up and held her head to the side with her eyes shut.

"God, you're perfect," I said loudly as I'm about to lose control. I reached up for her head and pulled her down to kiss me. My hands are still guiding her hips up and down as I whimpered against her lips. Sex has never been so amazing in my life, and I silently thanked God for creating this woman.

I moved my hands down to her ass and started lifting and lowering her quickly as I continued to thrust from underneath her. "It's happening." She gripped on to the pillow tightly, and I could feel her warmth get even warmer and tighter around me. I'm about to shoot everything I have inside her and I could feel my body about to shake.

"You're sure you want it in you?" I asked in desperation for a quick answer, because it's building up in me and I need to explode.

"Yes!" She cried out during her orgasm. I grunted the moment the first explosion shot inside her and gripped on to her tightly as I pumped another shot, then another, until my body began to shake, and I about lost it when one more extremely intense explosion gave her more of me inside her and I knew right then I gave her my baby. Call it instinct or way too much confidence in our timing, but I have a feeling we just created someone. I only had time to hold on to her for just a moment before I had to leave.

Last night I found out just how close we are and I already have what I need. Everything is in motion, so I made sure I gave her one hell of a kiss before I walked out of the apartment. It may be a while until I get to see her again.

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