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We pulled up to my family farm and I almost felt sick. The grass is overgrown, part of the barn is caved in, and there's a tarp on the roof of the house.

"Oh my God," I whispered as I took it all in and allowed it to break my heart.

"What happened?" Danica asked.

"He just gave up I guess." I laid my head back and just stared at the house.

"We could fix it." She said, and I literally feel lost. My mom is gone, it is finally hitting me. She would never have allowed our farm to fall into ruin.

"Are you okay?" She put her hand on mine and I remember what all she's gone through.

"I guess I have to, it won't fix itself," I said as I unbuckled my seatbelt, then she followed my lead.

I paused before I opened the door.

"Take your time, Lane. It's okay to be nervous or even emotional." She said.

I looked over at her and she gave me a half unsure smile, but those damn eyes get me every time, and I know it's going to be okay. I smiled and shook my head as I lifted her hand to kiss it.

"Looking at you somehow makes it feel like everything really is going to be okay," I said.

"It will be, and I can help fix it up." She said.

"Thank you," I said before I looked at the house again. If it's this bad on the outside, I'm curious how bad it could possibly be on the inside.

"Let's go," I said, and we both got out of the car. I grabbed our bags and we started walking toward the house when the door opened. Out walked an elderly man pushing a walker and I could barely recognize the frail man as my father.

As we reached the steps, I looked up at him with my best smile and he did back until I stood right in front of him.

"Son." He started crying, so I dropped my bags and he pulled me into a hug. He started crying harder as I gently hugged his small fragile frame.

"I still can't believe it, my boy is alive." He broke down as he cried and I'm practically holding him up.

"I'm here, Dad." I held on to him and his voice was so fragile as he cried.

"Thank you, God." He said as he held to me like he's clinging to life.

"I missed you so badly, Dad." I tried not to cry in front of my wife and father, but it's taking a hell of a lot to hold it back.

I gently pushed back. "Dad, I'd like you to meet my wife, Danica. Danica, this is my father Hank Morgan." I said, and she held out her hand to shake his.

"It's very nice to meet you, sir." She said.

"My God son, she's gorgeous. I'm very glad to meet you too young lady." He held on to his walker with one hand, then shook my wife's hand with the other.

"Let's go inside and talk." My father said, then turned with his walker and walked inside the house that was once my home. It's now just a shell from the outside.

I picked up our bags and let Danica walk in first. It seems someone has been cleaning, because I smell Pine-Sol and see the lines from a vacuum on the carpet.

I had dreams of finally being able to come home, but this isn't at all what I imagined. I thought my beautiful mom would be waiting for me on the porch, while Dad was in the barn fixing the old tractor he fought with for years. He would be healthy, and I'd see that light in his eyes whenever he looked at my mom.

I don't even know what to say as I set our bags down by the front door. I looked at Danica and thought she would be disappointed, but she's smiling as she looked around my childhood home.

"I'll get us some sweet tea and we can catch up." My dad said as he shuffled toward the kitchen.

"I think the two of you need to talk." She whispered.

"Do you mind staying with me?" I whispered back, and she nodded. We walked into the kitchen and it looks nearly the same.

"Have a seat, Dad. I'll take care of it." I said.

"Thanks, Son." He said, and Danica seemed to stay close to him until he was sitting on a kitchen chair.

"Can I help?" Danica asked.

"I've got it, feel free to have a seat," I said.

Danica took a seat, and I went for drinking glasses that are still in the same spot as they were the last time I was home. I got three glasses and pulled ice trays from the freezer.

I don't know what to say.

After putting the three ice-filled glasses on the table, I got the tea from the refrigerator.

"How was your trip?" My father asked.

"Long, I've been trying to get home for so long, and when it finally happened, those last few hours seemed like a lifetime," I said.

"Danica, tell me about yourself. Where do you come from?" He asked.

My beautiful wife's soft voice seems shy and a little reserved. She spoke while I poured our tea.

"I grew up in Chicago, and I have to say I've really enjoyed the fresh air and space of the countryside." She said.

"My wife was a city girl until her parents moved them here from St. Louis. Her father ran the plant in town." He said.

"I was in Montana for a few months and enjoyed the outdoors. It was cold, but beautiful." She said.

It still feels so weird being in this house.

"How did you meet my son?" He asked as I took a seat and spoke for Danica, she looks to be at a loss for words.

"That's what we need to talk about, Dad. It's a long story." I said.

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