Lane Morgan

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Lane A.K.A. Dash

I rolled over and pulled her with me. She laid her head on my chest as I tried to catch my breath.

"Tell me about him." She said.

"What do you want to know?" I asked. God, it felt good to finally hear my name again.

"Tell me about your family." She said.

"I grew up on a farm in Oklahoma. My mom was a school teacher and it was my dad's second marriage. He was much older than my mother. He drilled for oil during the day, then farmed at night and on the weekends. My father has another child, but her mom took off with her and he never saw her again. He searched high and low for her, but she was never found. He met my mom a few years later, and I was born six months after they were married." I said.

"You were a preemie?" She asked, and I chuckled.

"No, I'll let you do the math." I kissed the top of her head.

She lifted her head and looked at me. "I don't want this to be fake." She said, and I brushed the hair out of her face.

"I tried my hardest to avoid this, but it happened before today," I said.

She smiled looking absolutely gorgeous with that after sex glow and messy hair. "I know, that's why I climbed on your lap."

"You're so beautiful." I had to say it again.

"I like your real name better." She said.

"You can only use it where there's no people, audio, or camera's," I said, knowing I'm taking a huge chance.

"Danica Morgan." She said it again, and I smiled.

"Do you really want a real marriage when you haven't seen much outside these gates?" I asked as she looked at me.

"Seeing the world is nothing compared to seeing my world." She said as she looked up at me. "You're my world." She said.

I sighed. "Danica, you can't get your hopes up or put them all into me. I'm still not sure how I'll walk away with my life. I'm surrounded by men who would take my life after one false step. If they don't kill me and I screw up, my own team will take my life. If I walk away as a failure, it means I'm a liability." I said.

"We won't fail. You're getting so close to what we need." She said.

She laid her head back down on my chest. "What will happen to my father?"


"It won't be good," I said just to prepare her for the worst.

"My father loves me, but he's not a good man." She said.

"Has he hurt you?" I asked.

"No, but he has hurt Lark and too many other people to count. My parents are sick people and.." She paused.

"And what?" I asked.

"They're both sadists. They hurt people for their own pleasure and sometimes it's innocent people. Young girls they pluck off the street or men that have no idea what they're walking into, you saw the room downstairs." She said.

"Do you trust your father?" I asked.

"Yes and no, he wants me to be safe, but at the same time, he would sacrifice me for more power. He may regret it, but not for long. He gave me a plan to run if anything ever happens and I trust it, but I know when it all comes down to the end, he will choose his power over me." She said.

"What about Lark?" I asked.

"Lark couldn't find his way out of a box. I can only hope things work out for him, but I'm not sure what will happen." She said then paused. "If anything happens, I need to get my sister and brother out of here." She said.

"I'll try to protect them, and I already let my handler know there are children here," I said.

She got quiet for just a moment. "Will you leave me when this is over?" She asked.

Right, like that's possible.

"That depends on if you want to be left," I said.

I could feel her shake her head. "I could easily collect my trust and run away, but that's not what I want, I want this to be real." She said.

I flipped her around and laid on top of her so she can look me in the eyes. "I already told you, you won. If we both survive, we can make this real." I said.

She smiled. "Really?"

"If that wasn't the case, we wouldn't be laying here right now. I'm just worried you might change your mind once you get your freedom. It's a big world out there, Danica." I said.

She lifted her head and kissed me one last time before we fell asleep. I wasn't asleep long, when I woke up. I have to sleep with one eye open, especially after what happened today. Obviously, Sal's men can't be trusted. This is going to be over as soon as tomorrow. That's why I decided to give in to her tonight.

I got out of bed to shut off the lamp by the sofa, but took one last look at her as she slept. She's beautiful, even when she sleeps. I could see this coming from a mile away, ever since I saw her take that helmet off and hop off that motorcycle. I thought I was seeing leather, but I was really seeing lace.

I am fully aware of all her plans. From getting pregnant, to running off to get her trust fund. I should have been pissed, but if it'll save her life, I'll give anything. It's the stupidest plan I've ever gone along with, but I'll do anything to save her life. Sal won't sacrifice her and a grandchild, but Sal isn't the most evil person living under this roof.

Sal thought I was at headquarters earlier, but instead I was putting a plan and a team into motion.

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