Baby Steps

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"Hi dad, it's me," I said.

"Good morning, Son. I'm really looking forward to seeing you." He said.

I sat on the bed. "We need to talk," I said.

"You're not canceling are you?" He asked with concern.

"No, absolutely not, but I need to tell you something and ask that you don't ask too many questions. I'll explain everything when I see you." I said.

"Okay, I hope everything is alright." He said.

"Actually, it's better than alright. I'm bringing my wife with me." I said.

"Wait, did you say your wife?" He asked.

"Yes, and you'll adore her, but I just didn't want to surprise you," I said.

"Well, I'm definitely surprised, since you've been MIA for years." He said.

"I'll explain more soon. You'll understand soon enough." I said.

"Well, alright, when do you think you'll be in?" He asked.

"She's in the shower now, and we're leaving as soon as she's ready," I said.

"You're still staying here, right? The motel in town isn't what you might remember." He said.

"If it's alright with you," I said.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. Tell your bride I'm looking forward to meeting her, and also I'm ready for some answers from you." He said.

"Alright Dad, I'll see you in a few hours," I said, and ended the call.

I'm not supposed to tell anyone about my time with the Horsemen, but my father was always my confidant and he deserves an explanation. Nobody else needs to know anything. We will just tell them we met when I got back, which doesn't account for how far along she is, but it doesn't matter. It's really not their business.

I realized last night that I might have been sending Danica the wrong message. I hope she doesn't think I didn't want to show her off to my family. Dad seems strong on the phone and he already got the biggest shock of his life.

It didn't take long for Danica to get ready and soon we were on our way. I kept glancing at her as she read her book in the car. I have to watch my speed, because I'm pretty excited to finally see my dad.

We stopped for lunch at a small diner. Danica might need to take some baby steps, as far as seeing the world. She looked at me when she finished eating.

"What?" I asked as I ate my last French fry.

"Would you be mad if we put off Europe?" She asked.

"Of course not, it's about what's best for you and the baby right now," I said.

"Thanks, I still want to go out and experience new things, but just maybe not large crowds. That night we went out to dinner, then dancing was perfect, but I still feel a little paranoid." She said.

I reached over and squeezed her hand. "I feel the same way, it's really hard to just adjust to normal life again for me, too. Maybe we should both take our time and just concentrate on taking baby steps and getting settled somewhere." I said.

She smiled in relief. "I'm so glad we are on the same page. Do you think it's all over?" She asked.

"Manducci is the most targeted man out there right now, and I'm sure what's remaining of those families are interested in him. The government seized everything of your parents and they have no allies anymore. That means you're of no interest to them, and to most, I'm just a phantom. We were cleared by both the CIA and the FBI, it's over for us." I said.

"Good, I don't ever want our baby to live in fear like I did growing up." She said.

"Babies." I corrected her, and she laughed.

"We'll just have to take what we get." She said.

"Exactly, we can start thinking about where we want to settle down soon," I said as the waitress put the check on the table.

"Thank you," I said, and pulled out my wallet.

"I can actually get it." She perked up. "My father left cash in the safe." She said.

I shook my head. "Hold on to it," I said.

"Are you sure? You've paid for everything." She reminded me. I know she doesn't have much, and actually what I have isn't just mine.

"We're married, and that means what we each have is ours," I said.

She sat back in her seat. "When the baby comes, I'm going for my trust." She said.

"Danica, that's dirty money," I said.

She shrugged. "It's our money and its all I have left of my family." She said.

"We don't need it. I got a very large sum upon exit from the Horseman project and a retirement from both the Navy and the CIA. We can invest and even buy a nice spread of land. I even thought about building a security company. It's really up to you, but I just want you to know we are doing just fine without it." I said.

She sat forward and looked at me with a slight smile while I took the last drink of my coffee. "It's twenty-one million dollars, Lane." She said, and I paused mid drink, completely frozen.

"Lane?" She said.

I slowly lowered my cup and cleared my throat. "You said how much?" I leaned forward.

"You heard me, and if it makes you feel better, we can make sizable donations." She said knowing she got me there.

I give up. "It's up to you," I said, and she smiled.

"Thank you." She said, and I paused.

"I hope you know our marriage doesn't mean I'm going to make every decision. You have your freedom now and can do as you please. I may not agree with all your choices or ask that we sit down and discuss it, but that doesn't mean you need my approval." I said.

"We still need to talk things over and be open. I'm tired of secrets and decisions being made for me. That's one of my favorite things about you, you don't control me." She said.

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