Under The Stars

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He pulled back and brushed the hair out of my face. "Let's watch." He said, and I turned my body back around and curled into him as the sun settled and the light dimmed. One last burst of energy from the sun, right before it disappeared behind the mountains gave me a sense of home.

I turned my head to look at him and he cupped my face just before he kissed me. He opened his mouth a little wider and deepened our kiss making me take in a sharp breath, then I moaned.

I giggled when he flipped me around and laid back, bringing me with him to lay on top of him. My own hand started to roam his body from his rock hard chest then over his stomach until my hand reached its destination. He moaned, when I rubbed my hand over his hardness. He breathed a little deeper the more pressure I applied.

My body was restless and moved against his as I unbuttoned, then unzipped his pants.

"Here?" He pulled back and asked in a whisper.

"There's nobody for miles," I whispered against his lips, then dipped my hand inside his boxers. He took in a sharp breath as I started stroking him over and over again.

His breaths became rapid and his hand roamed my restless body. I removed my hand, then backed away to pull him up and lift his shirt off and toss it to the side. He did the same with mine, then unhooked my bra as I looked in his eyes. His left my gaze, then watched his own fingers gently push the straps down my arms.

He studied my breasts as he ran his thumb over my nipple, then squeezed my breast. I shut my eyes to his touch right before he pulled me in for another kiss.

One last strong squeeze of my breast, while he kissed down my neck, his hand lowering to my jeans and I felt the button pop.

"Take them off." He whispered, so I got on my knees and unzipped them before pushing them down. I didn't get a chance to take them off, before his hand dipped inside my panties and he rubbed that one special place between my legs. He got up on his knees and pushed his hand in deeper before his fingers reached inside me. I shut my eyes as his lips trailed down my neck again. His touch is only making me want more of him, so I pushed his jeans down and reached inside his boxers. He stared straight into my eyes as his fingers teased my already sensitive inside walls. I stroked his length, and his jaw dropped the more I stroked him.

"I missed you." He said as he shut his eyes to my touch.

"I need you, Lane," I whispered, and he pulled his hand out to stand. I pushed my panties down, then sat on my ass and kicked my shoes off, before pushing my jeans and panties off together. Lane took off his shoes quickly, then removed his jeans as I laid back and he stared at my body.

He got on all fours as he kissed up my leg then over my belly until he was lying between my legs and his lips took mine just before he pushed inside me. We both gasped at the sensation, then lifted his head to look at me. He pushed as deep inside me as he could go, then paused. His smile has desire written all over it, before he pulled back then pushed deep inside me again.

"Christ, you feel so good, Danica." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for just a moment before he pulled back, then pushed inside me, opening his eyes.

He dove down and kissed my lips as he wrapped one of my legs around him and picked up his pace. My moans mixed with his as he rested his head against mine. He gained speed, and all that could be heard is our praises to God.

After one last kiss, he buried his face in my neck. I looked at the sky as the stars twinkled and Lane drives me closer to heaven.

"I love you!" He cried out as the intensity of our love grew. He pushed deep inside me and paused as he tried to push as deep as he could, then flipped us around so I'm straddling him.

He watched me as my hands laid on his chest and supported me as I moved my body up and down. His hands rested on my hips as he bit his bottom lip. Each breath is labored and all the more he hits that magic spot inside me and my thighs started to shake.

He pushed my hips down,then guided them back and forth.

"You're beautiful." He reminded me as I shut my eyes and my body exploded. He started to thrust his hips and his grip on my hip tightened as he watched me come apart on top of him.

"God, yes!" He cried out as I rode out all the waves of my orgasm.

"Jesus, you're coming so hard. Holy shit!" He said as his voice cracked and sounded desperate.

"Lane! Oh my God!" My body jerked like a chill ran through me.

As I came down, he sat up and held on to my ass and moved it up and down. He looked up at me as I looked down at him. His short and quick breaths reminded me of what my body is giving him.

"Here it comes." He warned me as he held his breath before grunting it out.

"I'm coming! Oh God!" His grip on my ass tightened and moved it up and down faster. He buried his face in my chest, then pushed my hips down before moving them back and forth with each jerk of his body. His teeth barely bit my skin as he whispered my name.

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