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I woke to my mother pulling open the curtains. "Rise and shine princess, you have a busy few days ahead of you." She said.

Right, it's the mother of the year.

I stretched. "What are we doing?"

"Planning your wedding." She said as she walked over to my closet and pulled out a dress and heels.

"When?" I pulled the covers over my pajamas that aren't approved.

"Tomorrow. Now get your shower and come down for breakfast. We have a lot to do and talk about today." She laid my clothes on my bed, then turned and walked out.


I got up and made my way to my shower and got ready. I'm seeing this situation in a totally new light today. If I can get him to fall for me, he won't leave here without me. He'll also protect me, then once I'm out, I'll run as far away from him as I can go. If my plan goes right, I won't be alone either.

I made it down to breakfast and Lark looks pissed, so does Dash, or whatever his real name is, I guess.

"Good morning." I smiled ear to ear.

"I have ordered a few simple dresses and a few other things you'll be needing. Your father has enlisted an ordained minister already, and your father is handling the marriage certificate." My mother said.

"Right, because I don't exist," I said.

"Today you do, and there's not much money can't buy." She said.

"So my wedding guests will consist of mobsters and whores?" I asked, knowing that will get under her skin.

"Your family is here, and that's all that counts." She said.

"I won't," Lark said, and we all turned to him.

"You're forcing her to marry a man we know nothing about." He snapped, and Dash just sat there and took a drink of his coffee. He must know when and when not to speak.

"I'm fine, Lark. Look at him. He's a much better pick than Manducci." I said, and his head whipped up.

"Manducci? He's a pig and his first two wives are dead." He said.

"He may strike once he hears of these nuptials, so be ready." My father said.

"You and Dash will be moved into one of the apartments so the staff will start packing your things today. The kitchen is making salmon and steak and also baking the cake. It may be small, but it'll still be formal. I want you to feel like a real bride on your wedding day." She smiled.

Yeah, I'm more than sure she has something up her sleeve.

After breakfast, we worked and made decisions about where to put the tent outside. She also took me to the apartment to get a feel for it, I've never been on this end of the mansion.

It's not like the apartments on television. It's more like a house with two stories, it had an outside exit to the back yard, and a sidewalk that will take me to the pool. It's fully furnished with three bedrooms and a state of the art kitchen. That's funny, because I have no idea how to cook. Just the thought of moving to the other side of the mansion has already given me a sense of freedom.

"Does this mean he can take me out of the house?" I asked.

"He can do whatever he likes, you're going to be his wife and his responsibility." She said.

I've never been to a restaurant. I tried to sneak out a few times, but was brought back home quickly. I even tried to lose my father's men on my bike, but that didn't work out well for me.

"You can choose your own clothes, but I have ordered some necessities every wife should own." She said as we walked back to the main part of the house. Mom wasn't kidding when she said we would be busy today. Before I knew it, my wedding dress was chosen and it was time for dinner. This time the stupid blond from last night kept her distance, but I have a bad feeling about the fun room downstairs. What if he visits it instead of me for his kicks?

Of course, everyone knew about the wedding, but my father still announced it. Dash didn't make any emotions noticeable on his face. I can't blame him, it's not like it's a real wedding. I'm sure he's dreading the time alone with me, but I hope that changes.

After dinner, Dash sat in on our family meeting. My father said security needs to be tighter just in case Manducci strikes in retaliation of my marriage. He also made it clear that Dash is to spend the first week of our married life with me. He will stay on his original assignment before he starts working beside my father.

I decided to leave Dash alone for the night. Well, my mother came to my room to give me a talk about my responsibilities as a wife. Yes, the sex talk. I'm 25, not sixteen, and I know about as much as a virgin can know.

I wonder what changed her mood since last night. She was against it, but today she has been high spirited all day, and was even nice to Dash. I have a bad feeling my mother has a plan none of us are going to like. I may need to do some investigating of my own.

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