Broken Hearts

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"She's my wife," I said as tears welled up on Megan's face.

"She gets everything I was promised." She walked over and pulled a paper towel off and wiped her tears.

"Megan, you've been married for years and have three kids." I reminded her.

"It should have been you." She cried.

I shook my head. "No, we were young, and I was taken away from you. I'm glad you found love again. I would never have expected you to spend your life alone." I said.

"I wouldn't have married anyone if we wouldn't have buried you. Every single day since you died has been a struggle. I tried hard to let go of you, but that pain never goes away. Grief never leaves a person when they lose the love of their life. I've been mourning you for years while you're married?" She cried.

"We've only been married a few months, Megan. What did you want me to do? Come home in hopes of breaking up your family? Moving on and finding love again is what I wanted for you." I said.

"You brought a woman like that home?" She asked.

I narrowed my eyes. "What do you mean a woman like that?" I snapped at her.

"She's what, a model or something? She's younger than us, Lane." She said.

I shook my head. "I'm not a cradle robber, Jesus, she's not even four years younger than me," I said.

"She looks younger." She cried.

"She's amazing and I know you'll like her once you give her a chance. Hank is my dad, and I know how close you are with him, but we may be here to stay." I said.

"How would you feel if my husband walked in the door?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I'd shake his hand and thank him. Megan, what we had was very special, and I won't pretend it never happened. Danica knows all about us and our past. I've not hidden it, so I don't want you to think it didn't mean everything to me at one time, but we are different people now. I love my wife dearly, and I'm sure you feel the same for your children's father." I said.

"She's so perfect, and I'm just...chubby, and I feel so old. A part of me died with you, Lane." She cried.

"You're not chubby for one, and I said I'm sorry. I hate that you had to mourn me." I said.

She stepped forward toward me. "You're sorry? Sorry doesn't cover it, Lane. Do you have any idea what it was like to see that flag draped over your casket? I laid over that flag and grieved over that casket while sailors pulled me off. I screamed as I fell to the ground and begged God to bring you back. Your mom was sick and I had to pull myself together and watch her die while grieving you, so don't say you're sorry. Sorry would have been reaching out to us so we could heal, but instead, you come home with a beautiful wife and just expect us to forget all of it?" She is yelling at me, and I'm sure Danica can hear.

"Please, just calm down, Megan," I said.

"Calm down? I had to take pills to keep me from waking up screaming for you at night. I went to your grave every single year and laid there right on top of you and cried. I felt guilty for moving on and it has eaten at me for years. I was the one saying sorry. I prayed you could hear me and understand that I had to move on without you, and it has been the hardest damn thing I've ever done." She wiped her tears.

"If you really loved me, you would have reached out. You've been back longer than a few months, don't lie to me! You're perfectly healthy, and if I were you, I would have stopped at nothing to come home!" She yelled.

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