That Mean Guy

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I went downstairs when I heard the boys yelling.

"Grandpa, that mean guy is making Mommy cry!"

Ugh, here we go. I went to the window and saw Lane holding Megan on the ground. I shut my eyes and just took a moment to think about what she must be feeling. I know he loves me, but he's just trying to heal and she's making it hard. I could never be mad at them after what I'm seeing. She buried him, and I can't imagine the pain.

I decided to give them some privacy and let Hank deal with the boys. I'm not so sure she really wants me near her children, so I went to the kitchen to check on the chicken and the cake. Sure as shit, he cut off a small piece and tried to hide it with the icing. I have to give him credit, he did try to cover his tracks.

I heard the front door open and prepared myself. Maybe I should just spend the afternoon upstairs.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that." He came walking over and put his arms around me.

"Don't apologize. I can't imagine what she's feeling right now. Is she coming to the house?" I asked.

"Yeah, she wants to do his meds and show me how to do them." He said.

"Oh, well I can go upstairs and give you some privacy," I said, and tried to walk away, but he stopped me.

"Nope, I don't ever want you to leave the room just to make someone else comfortable. You're my wife, and if she wants to be around here, she's just going to have to deal with it." He said.

"That's not very nice, Lane," I said.

"She has a husband and she needs to concentrate on him. Don't make it easy for her to run you off. Do you remember that hot chick I saw hop off that motorcycle?" He asked.

"Well, I don't know about hot," I said.

"Very hot and badass. That's who I need you to be right now. I know you've lost a lot and you're scared, but you can do this, Danica." He said.

"It's uncomfortable. It would be different if she was just some random jealous ex, but she had to bury you. It's all just so unfair." I said.

"I don't want you to worry about her. You and the baby are my top priority, and I've asked her to give us some space. When she wants to visit Dad, we will make arrangements. I honestly don't think these visits are good for any of us." He said.

"Her kids are upset," I said.

He nodded. "I know, and that's why I think she needs to, not just give us space, but also the children don't need to be around to see how she is struggling when she's here. She needs to see the strong and brave woman I know, otherwise she won't stop." He said.

"What about the party?" I asked.

"She can always leave or not come if it's too hard." He said.

I heard the door open and I pushed back, but he pulled me back into him and whispered. "You're my wife, don't forget that." He kissed my cheek.

"She has groceries in her car. I'll be right back." He said, then turned. She's standing uncomfortably in the kitchen doorway.

"I'll grab the groceries. Remember what we talked about, Megan." He said, then walked around her and left us in the same room.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked.

"That would be great, thank you." She said, then walked in the kitchen and set the baby down.

I made her iced tea while she grabbed all of Hank's pills. The baby started squirming, so she dropped what she was doing and got a bottle from her bag.

"I'm sorry if my presence hurts you, Megan," I said.

"It's not your fault." She said in a very cold tone. It's obvious she's been crying really hard.

"Well, I just wanted to acknowledge your feelings and say I'm sorry for everything that's happened over the years," I said as she fed her baby and refused to look at me.

"Why would you care?" She asked.

"Because Lane cares, he told me about you. I didn't even know him long at all when he told me he had to leave his beautiful fiancé behind. I just wanted you to know he never forgot you." I said, then turned away to start cutting potatoes.

"How did you meet him?" She asked.

I was grabbing a knife from the drawer. "Did you ask Lane that question?" I asked as I pulled out a bag of potatoes.

"Yes, he wouldn't answer me." She said.

"There are things about Lane that can never be told, but I will say, he saved my life," I said.

"I guess I can't know, but you can, because you ended up as his wife. I want you to know I love him and I always will love him." She said.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I only know because I lived part of it. I don't know everything, but I will say he was a prisoner, and when he says he couldn't contact you, he is telling the truth." I said as I started peeling the potato.

"He got to meet you." She said, and I set the knife down and looked at her.

"That's because I was also a prisoner in my own way. I grew up in a home I never got to leave. No school, no friends, no shopping, or anything most people take for granted. Lane and I both got our freedom together." I said.

"Well, you're pregnant, so you must have had some kind of freedom. He's been back a month, I'm not stupid. I know that's not his baby." She said.

"I was married to Lane when I got pregnant. I have never been with another man." I said.

"You can't be pregnant with his baby." She said.

"What did you just say?" Lane stood in the doorway holding the groceries with a pissed off look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." She said.

"No, you shouldn't have, so maybe it's time you leave." He said as he set down the groceries.

"I really am sorry, I'll not say another word." She said.

"This is my baby, and yes, I've been home long enough, and also, we got pregnant after our wedding. You don't deserve an explanation after that remark, but I won't stand for you to start rumors about my wife." He said.

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