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I watched with pride while three grown men quietly ate the meal I made. I've learned quiet good, because they are enjoying their meal. I can't take my eyes off of Lane. He's like a new man and even more handsome than the first time I saw him.

"I haven't had a meal like this since I last saw my mom," Lane said, and reached over to hold my hand.

"Thank you." I gleamed with pride. I finished a while ago, but they all went back for seconds.

"I'd like to take a walk," I said to Lane.

"Go ahead, we'll clean up before we head out," Axl said.

"Thanks," I said, and Lane and I stood. I took his hand and headed to the door, but paused.

"Wrap it up tonight, boys," I said, and they all laughed.

"Always," Hawk said back.

As soon as we got outside, Lane pulled me into him and kissed me. It almost got a little too heated, so he pulled back and took my hand.

"It's beautiful here." He said as we walked.

"I love it. This clean air and free space are what has made these past two months bearable," I said.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Some days I almost forget there's a baby on board, then others I feel sick, but excited at the same time. Sometimes I feel scared and worry this baby won't feel loved enough like me when I was growing up." I said.

He stopped me and took both of my hands in his. "This baby is already loved. I want it and I want you. Please, don't worry about those things. You're going to be a wonderful mother, and I'll do my best to be a great dad and husband." He said.

I looked up at him. "Somehow I forgot, but I know it's all true now that you're here," I said.

He smiled. "I have something for you." He said.

"Really? I love presents." I really do!

"Yes, and this one is really special. I want you to know that I'm not sure when it happened, but I know it happened before our one night together, but I do love you, Danica." He said.

My heart raced. "I love you too." He smiled with so much love in his eyes.

"I was hoping you would say that." He said, and pulled out a little box.

"A wedding ring should come from the man that loves you above all." He said as he opened it.

I gasped. "Lane, it's gorgeous," I said.

"Take the other one off." He said, and I did, then he shoved it into my pocket. He smiled at me when he slid the beautiful diamond bridal set on my finger.

"I was worried it might not fit." He said.

"It's perfect." I looked down, then back up to him.

"I always thought the world outside those walls was all I ever needed, but that's not true. It's you I've been waiting for all along." I said, and he lowered his head and kissed me.

We finished our walk, then returned to the cabin and the guys were gone. "Let's go see the sky. It's amazing at night." I said, and he smiled in agreement. We took a few blankets out and laid one down on the ground, then curled up together with the other blanket. We waited for the sunset and he held me in his arms.

"We have so many great things ahead of us, Danica." He said as he held me.

I looked back at him. "I'm so curious if it's a boy or a girl," I said.

"I'll be happy with either." He kissed my head. "We still have Europe if you're still interested. Maybe it could be our honeymoon before the baby comes." He said.

"I'd like that," I said.

"I'll make arrangements. Could I ask a favor?" He asked.

"Of course," I replied.

"I was just released early this morning and I haven't seen my father. I did call and ask him to be patient, but could we go there first?" He asked.

I turned my body around and looked at him with surprise. "You didn't go home first? Lane, he thought you were dead." I said.

"I know, and he's a top priority, but I needed my wife. Nothing could have kept me from seeing you the moment I was released." He said, and I felt a tear run down my cheek.

"What's wrong?" He wiped my tears away.

"You really love me?" I asked.

He chuckled. "More than you could even imagine," He said.

"I've never felt this before." I cried.

"Felt loved?" He asked with concern.

"You make me feel so loved. It's better than I imagined." I cried.

His breath hitched and made me look at him. "I am so sorry about that, and I promise to remind you every single day how much I love you." He said with a tone that holds true emotions behind it.

"You've shared this feeling before." I cried, and looked down at the blanket.

"Look at me, Danica." He lifted my chin to make me look at him.

"You're right, I have loved and felt love, but nothing as strong as this, other than my mom and dad." He said.

"What about Megan?" I paused, and his face fell.

"I'm sorry, you must miss her," I said, but he tilted his head.

"I didn't." He muttered in a whisper like he just remembered something.

"Didn't what, Lane?" I asked, and his eyes met mine.

"I'm just... Wow." He said, and I just looked at him for answers. He opened and shut his mouth like he's trying to figure something out, then looked at me in the eye.

"I always thought she was everything, but I can't believe it. Danica, I forgot about her for the first time in years, and she never even crossed my mind since I learned I was gaining my freedom." He said and paused.

"I'm so in love with you, that I can't even compare what I felt for her, to what I found in you." A smile rose upon his face. "She was never enough and I know that now. You have all of me and so does our baby. No, I have never felt this way for anyone before you. I love my parents, but this feels different with you." He said, and I placed my hand on his face.

"I love you, Lane Morgan. I love you and this baby so much it hurts sometimes." I said.

From Leather To Lace (A Completed Steamy Romance)Where stories live. Discover now