Chapter Twenty: Having too Long to Wait

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Roughly two hours later I was sitting outside on a porch swing set up out on the back porch of the house, curled up with a tablet in hand, reading books written by other people who weren’t actually published. Covered up by a large purple blanket and wearing a sweater on top of my t-shirt, the chilly weather atypical of early spring did little to chill my bones. If I was shivering, it had nothing to do with the cold. No, it had to do with the irritating man sitting next to me, reading a book of his own.

I’d originally intended to sit contentedly in front of the living room fireplace with a cup of cocoa and my electronic reading device, but unfortunately my plans had been forcefully altered. By forcefully, I mean that a certain someone had taken my tablet hostage until I caved in to his blasted demands. He’d dangled it above my head, using his small height advantage to keep me from stealing it back from him.

“Oh quit moping. I know you’re enjoying yourself.” Adrian smirked, blue eyes shining with mirth. “It’s not like it’s raining or anything. Your precious circuits will be fine.”

Pulling my gaze away from the precious text in my hand, I turned to glare at him. “I do not appreciate being forced to read outside…” I grumbled, immediately going back to my e-book. “And while my toy might be safe from any sun damage, your paperback sure as hell ain’t.” Haha! Take that you jerk!

Another reason I preferred my e-books. Not that I didn’t appreciate the look and feel of traditional bound books, but I couldn’t carry my entire library around with me. It would have been much to heavy to be practical. Well, that and it would have been much more difficult to find books written by unpublished authors without going up to them in person. After all, written books are not the internet.

Though I will admit, I did miss the paper smell of a physical copy. I didn’t miss the paper cuts though.

He decided to take a different tact instead of arguing directly with me. “Ain’t? Really? Ain’t isn’t a word Kathryne. It’s slang, and educated people do not use slang.”

Oh God, he sounded like my eighth grade history teacher. “Considering that you haven’t addressed my original argument, I’m just going to pretend that you agreed with me, instead of changing the subject.” I didn’t want him to sound like a stuffy old man. It didn’t suit him.

Though seeing as he was technically thirty years old, maybe there was something wrong with that.

“It’s not an argument if you can’t speak properly.”

Oh really now? I locked the screen and set the beloved object down, raising a skeptical brow. “Educated people do not use contractions in their arguments either.” I’d also like to argue the ‘me being an educated person’ part.

Copying my motions, he faced me with a mischievous glint in his eyes, rubbing his palms together like a greedy merchant eyeing precious wares. “Ah, but they do use them whilst speaking. You are referring to the minimal usage of contractions in academic essays, which is different from modern speech.”

It was a good thing I was wrapped up in a blanket, or I would have tackled him by now. “So you’re now arguing that educated people only sound educated in writing, and not in speech.” Insert witty comment about whatever I just said here.

Much to my delight, his face fell, and he twisted away in a huff. “Damn it.” He muttered under his breath, picking up his book.

I grinned and settled back down with my own reading, silently cheering to myself as I dived back into the realm of the written word.

I’d finally won an argument against him! Yay!


A/N: I'm late! This is short, I know. However, I have a test to take in about 40 minutes, so I didn't have much time to write.

I also felt that I should at least give you guys something for being such dedicated readers. (coughcoughtwonewcommentscough)

Anywho, I'll update again soon. I've been busy writing the other version of this story as well, so don't despair. I've been making some actual progress. It's just not visible.

Though it is somewhat my fault. I've been playing video games when I should be writing. I'm sorry readers, I just can't help myself when it comes to the temptations of Vindictus. 

I'll update my tumblr later with more information.. Ciao for now!



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