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"I'm sorry for making you worry" I said, head downcast.

Kai cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look at him.

I tried my hardest not to cry.

I didn't wanna break him.

He looked so fragile.

So pretty.

So perfect.

Why couldn't I like him?

Why did I have to like the hardest person to get?

"That's fine, you don't have to explain anything. As long as you're fine now" Kai grinned.

His perfect grin.

I'd be nothing without his grin.

Then again, I am nothing.

n o t h i n g.

Kai pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

I kissed back just as hard.

Just to feel something.


Anything except n o t h i n g.

Because I liked his kisses.

They made me feel nice.

His kisses were nice

But that was just it.

๑ Nice. ๑

20cm ๑ SOOGYU ✔️Where stories live. Discover now