๑ 86 ๑

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"Why did you never tell me?" I asked.

You got discharged a few hours ago.

Like you said.

You weren't heart badly.

So you didn't need to stay overnight.

We were at my house.

Only for the time being.

Only until where you're gonna live is figured out.

Seeing as your dad had been arrested.

And seeing as your mother wasn't suitable since she let you get abused.

"I-I don't know, I felt embarrassed I guess." You bit your lip.

Looking down.

I frowned.

I had only just found out the real reason.

The real reason why you were abused.

"From now on." I grabbed both your hands.

Causing you to glance up at me.

"We have to tell each other everything." I decided.

You nodded your head.

"Okay. I'll try." You smirked.

I broke into a smile.

I sighed.

I was content.

We had communication.

So now there would be no more complication.

๑ At least that's what I thought. ๑

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