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"Do you wanna go to that new bookstore after school?" I asked.

I knew you would say yes.

Don't know why I asked.

We were always together.

Like up and down.

Back and forth.

Pros and cons.

"No, sorry, I'm busy" you replied.

I froze.

You were never busy.

I was never busy.

We always had time for each other.

Always together.

Like up and down.

Back and forth.

Pros and cons.

"With what?" I scoffed.

"What? You jealous?" You teased.

"Of course I am, your mine" I whined.

I tugged on your arm.

I don't know why.

But I was clingy today.

And confident.

You blushed at my words.

I tried to hide my smirk.

"Well, if things go right, you might not be mine anymore" you explained.

"What?" I asked.

Heart breaking.

Body inwardly shaking.

Mind screaming.

"I have a date" you blushed.

I froze.

My heart stopped.

Stomach dropped.

Lungs popped.

"W-with who?" I stuttered.

I tried to act fine.

But I wasn't.

I was dying.

Mind flying.

Heart frying.

"Rosé" you answered.

I smiled.


But it wasn't nice.

You spending more time with fruity perfume and floral dresses wasn't nice.

It made me feel like nothing.

๑ n o t h i n g. ๑

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