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People say we're like Yin and Yang.

Salt and pepper.

Coffee and cream.

But sometimes we're like oil and water.

Forks and power outlets.

Bathtubs and toasters.

And sometimes we're nothing at all.

But we always come back together.

And that fact makes my heart warm.

And it gives me comfort.

But it's got me thinking.

Should your stare?

Should it really make my heart stop?

Stomach drop?

Lungs pop?

Should your touch?

Should it really make me feel like I'm dying?

Mind flying?

Heart frying?

Because no one's ever made me feel that way before.

Except you.


It's all that goes through my mind.


It's all I think about.


Like a broken record.

And I can't make it stop.

I could go on for years.

Writing about you.

Only you.

And I still wouldn't have all my thoughts onto paper.

Because I think.

No I know.

I love you.

Just you.

Only you.

Forever you.

So I'm asking you.

To the dance.

I know you don't like dances.

But I love them.

And I've always wanted to go to one.

With someone I love.

And that's you.

In other words.

I love you.

Even though I don't want to.

Because you're day.

And I'm night.

Because you're positive.

And I'm negative.

And no matter how opposite we are.

We're the same.

And no matter how far apart we are.

We're always together.

Because I'm addicted.

And maybe you are too?

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