๑ 95 ๑

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I opened my eyes.

My head was throbbing.


I flinched.

You never called me by my full name.

Unless it was serious.

I couldn't bring myself to respond.

I was a hypocrite.

Forcing you to communicate with me.

When I couldn't communicate back.

"Th-those notes." You stuttered.

I froze.

Chills ran down to my toes.

I had forgotten you had the code to my locker.

And I had forgotten we shared it sometimes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You continued.

My lips trembled.

Insides disassembled.

Heart crumpled.

"The notes... are they why you don't wanna eat anymore?"

You connected the dots.

All on your own.

And all I could do was sit there.

On the bed in the nurses' office.

Tears threatening to fall.


For whatever reason.

I was embarrassed.

"Gyu," you said in barely a whisper.

And my mind screamed.

My heart screamed.

It screamed for you to stop.

To stop talking.

Because I couldn't take it.

๑ "y-you promised me it would never happen again." ๑

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