Chapter 6

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I could tell my mom was excited but yet nervous. I'm glad I wasn't alone right now because I was worried to make a bad impression on Mrs. Storm. I didn't even know why I just felt like it was my duty. We hopped in and saw Mrs. Storm smiling brightly.

"Such a pleasure to meet you both. My name is Adrianna!" Mrs. Storm was smiling at my mother and I was shocked when she gave both my mother and I a hug. Mrs. Storm was surprisingly attractive. She had dark brown curls that reached to her shoulder and hazel eyes that looked to be green. She didn't look like she was in her 40s if that's how old she even was.

"Hi, Mrs. Storm! This is my mother, Taina." I answered.

She lightly touched my sidearm. "Oh honey, you don't need to be formal with me, call me Adrianna or Anna." She looked at my mom and they made a few exchanges. "It makes me feel old." She looked back at me as she talked.

I nodded my head and gave her a smile to reassure her. "So what are we doing first?" I asked.

"Glad you asked, all we're doing today is getting your wedding dress." She friend. Her smile brightened up when ever you were near her.

That's it? I always thought there were more to the wedding plans for the bride but I guess since this is a planned marriage.

I nodded and my mom and Adrianna talked more about wedding dress and cakes and other things about the wedding that was happening soon while I listened distinctly.

"We're finally here at Lowell's Magnificent Brides!" Adrianna exclaimed.

We got out of the limo and entered the little friendly store. I noticed a blond haired girl come up to us, with a tablet and a Apple Pencil."Hello, my name is Penny. Do you have an appointment?"

Adrianna walked a couple steps forward and exchange a smile with the girl. "Yes, it's under Maria Quinn."

The girl looked on her touch screen tablet, looking up for my name. "Ah, yes. You're just in time. Why don't you come with me and get started." We agreed and sat down while we waited for her to return.

For the next hour, I was getting out of dresses back and forth. I was stuck between two that we really loved.

In the end, I ended up choosing a Long Off white off shoulder ball stain dress. It also had gorgeous encrusted diamonds on the waist. I loved how plain and simple it was and how it cascaded down, fully covering my legs.

"Why don't we get some lunch? I wouldn't feel right if I didn't let you girls eat something after the whole hour we were in there." Adrianna spoke up after we bought the dress. By now we were out the store and heading to the parking lot as she said this.

"Of course we wouldn't mind at all." My mother answered.

We went into a food court at the mall and ordered some sandwiches and drinks. We were eating when Adrianna began talking to me.

"Charles is going to be shocked when he sees you in that dress." A blushes crept to my cheeks. I didn't care how he saw me as long as this whole wedding was passed us. Adrianna was like a light through all of this. She didn't see that this marriage was mainly forced upon us but she saw it as an opportunity. But for what, I wondered.

I decided to not say anything but smile and Adrianna believed it as to confirm what she said was true. Instead my mom talked with her and they ended up talking about their jobs and fashion.

It was 5 p.m in the afternoon when Adrianna dropped us off. We said our farewell and my mother was still talking about the dress. She loved it more than I do and I was tempted to let her wear it. We made light conversation as we got into the house.

We entered the door and noticed my sister was sitting with a boy. "Oh, hey Derek." My mom said.

"Hey, Mrs. Quinn." The boy replied. My sister saw me and a small blush was written on her cheeks.

I looked at her and was interested to know who this boy was. We're they together or just friends. And why didn't Aurora talk about him on our weekly to monthly talks. I knew if I pestered my mom with this she would tell me to leave it alone.

I decided to go put the dress in my room and would come back downstairs with answers.

"Hey, I'm Maria, Aurora's sister. I replied with a dark smile on my face. He looked a bit scare by my intimidation.

"I'm Derek. Auroras has talked a lot about you." He answered back.

I nodded feeling a little greatful that she wasn't fully taking me out of her life. "Sorry, Maria has been missing some sister time and she feels offended that I have you over." My sister was looking between Derek an I as she said this. I rolled my eyes. She was not telling me about her new relationship or whatever it was.

I decided to let it slide. "What happened to Damien?" I looked at her with curious eyes.

She gazed back at me and I noticed a flicker of emotion pass through her eyes. Damien was Aurora's best friend. They were always together and had a special bond. I always thought they would end up together someday.

"His not here anymore. He left a month ago." I gawked at my sister. My mouth ajar. Why was she now telling me about this?

"What why?" I was still surprised by this revelation. It wasn't like Damien to move, I remembered when he made a promise to my sister when I used to watch them play while their parents were at work. He said he'd never leave her. I wondered how my sister felt. But she seemed to moving on already.

"His parents made him go to a private school in a different country. I think it was North Carolina." She had her face fixated on what she was trying to remember.

I nodded. I was definitely going to miss Damien, he was a French descendant and I remember those times he would teach me and Aurora French. Even though he didn't know most of the words. His mother was more fluent in the language but she never taught him, he just randomly picked it up when his mom used to speak to him as a child and when he would over hear her talking with a family.

"Well, I'll let you both enjoy the rest of your night." I looked towards the both of them and gave Derek a faint smile. He seemed nice but I wasn't too sure about him just yet. I was about to walk away when I remembered to tell my sister about the dress.

"Seriously? I have to see it!" My sister was jumping with joy.

I rolled my eyes with amusement. "I don't feel like changing into it again. You'll just have to wait in two days." I told her.

"Ughh, I should've gone with you guys." She said, sitting back on the chair after disappointment was visibly written on her face.

"I'm gonna go help mom in the kitchen now." I ended and left.

That night we ate steak with mashed potatoes and had a family night and got to open our presents as a family since after tomorrow it wouldn't be the same. I'd be leaving to go back to New York after the wedding and would have to settle in to where I was going to live soon.


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